2000 Chapter Summarys:

Year 2000 President Summary

The following are organizational accomplishments in 2000:

  1. First meeting of the small hospital group.
  2. First chapter-wide certification study group.
  3. National Conference attendance project ~ 23 members of chapter attended the 2000 conference.
  4. National Conference attendance scholarships.
  5. Review of Nebraska HHS - EMT Exposure Control Plans
  6. First joint meeting with the West Central Nebraska APIC at the NICN Conference.
  7. Presentation to state surveyors on targeted surveillance in Long Term Care.
  8. APIC members invited to review Nebraska Nurse Aide Standards.
  9. Received Chapter Excellence Award at the National Conference.
  10. Received our chapter charter at the National Conference.
  11. Chapter membership list to be on local computer software and to be maintained by our chapter.
  12. Startup of a chapter website.
  13. Chapter survey conducted to seek future direction.
  14. APIC members invited to review state LTC And hospital Infection Control Standards.
  15. APIC members participate in the planning team for the Bioterrorism Response Plan.

Treasurer's Report and Program Committee Report

Submitted - not available on-line

Membership Report

The membership reached 107 in 2000.  Our membership list will be on a local database starting in 2001.  All members will have access to the National Membership List through the apic.org website, using a password.

Library Report

The Library resources of the Greater Omaha APIC Chapter continue to be maintained, increased, and utilized in 2000.  A listing of the library resources and acquisition dates are available at this site.

Historian Report

Historical documents date from the beginning of the chapter, in 1971, through the present;  including the National APIC Charter, received June 29, 1979.  Chapter documents have been maintained with the addition of the 2000 documents as appropriate. 

Documents include minutes, education, financial, and membership information.  Historical reports are available to teh membership for resumes, and for the clarification of issues.  A brief historical report is presented at each business monthly meeting.

Understanding our history illuminates the path to the future.  We can improve only if we build on the best of where we've been, how we got here, and who helped us along the way.

Nominating Committee Report

The following were elected to office in October, 2000:

President-elect - Karen Spenner

Junior Board - Tim Timmons

Membership Secretary - Sharon Meaker-Medcalf

Recording Secretary - Rita Killeen

Nominating Committee - Dorothy Sonksen, Bernie Kocanda, Larry Krebsbach

Honors, Awards & Publication

Distinguished Service Award - Ann Lorenzen

National Conference Registration Award - Karen Spenner

Bright Idea Award - Connie Janicek
Leadership Award (National APIC) - Ann Lorenzen

Certification/Recertification in Infection Control

The following were certified/recertified in 2000:

Yvonne Hunt

Rita Killeen

Mary Kirby

Nancy Beitenman

Shawn Westadt

Kris Greenwalt

Sandy Vyhlidal