Nebraska Association of Hospital and Health Systems

in conjunction with the

Association for Practitioners in Infection Control Greater Omaha Area


Today�s Issues in Infection Control

2001 Educational Conference

Thursday October 25, 2001

Cornhusker Hotel

Lincoln Nebraska

Program Objective:

At the end of the program, the participant should be familiar with:

Print a Schedule

Designed for:

Nurses, Laboratory Technologists, Administrators, Students, and Other Interested Health Care Personnel



Continuing Education Credits:

This program has been submitted to the Nebraska Nurse�s Association (NNA) Continuing Peer Review Committee for Approval.

APIC Planning Committee:


To Be announced

Nancy Haberstich, RN

Independent Practice

Lincoln, Nebraska

Pat Infield, RN, BSN

Communicable Disease / Tuberculosis Program

Nebraska Health and Human Services System

Lincoln, Nebraska




Allison Jorgensen, R.Phd.

Nebraska Pharmacist�s Association

Lincoln, Nebraska


Robert Penn, MD

Hospital Epidemiologist

Nebraska Methodist Hospital

Omaha, Nebraska

NAHHS/APIC Registration Form

Today�s Issues in Infection Control

2001 Educational Conference

Thursday October 25, 2001

Please complete and return form to Vicki Knowles, NAHHS, 1640 L Street, Suite D, Lincoln, Nebraska 68508-2581

Name��������������� _______________________________________________

����������������������������������� Last������������������������������ First

Title���������������� _______________________________________________

Facility������������ _______________________________________________

Address����������������������� _______________________________________________

����������������������� _______________________________________________

����������������������� City����������������� State���� Zip Code

Work Phone����� _______________________________________________

E-Mail������������� _______________________________________________

APIC Greater Omaha Area Member # ___________________________

Check the box, which best identifies your responsibilities:


We gratefully acknowledge educational grants from:


Baxter / Allegiance

Health Point

Kimberly Clark

Sage Products
