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Association for Professionals in Infection Control & Epidemiology

Greater Omaha Chapter

photos of workers


The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. (APIC) is a multi-disciplinary, voluntary, international organization. APIC promotes wellness and prevents illness and infection world-wide by advancing health care epidemiology through education, collaboration, research, practice, and credentialing.

APIC's vision is to improve the health of people worldwide by serving as the pre-eminent voice for excellence in the prevention and control of infections and related adverse outcomes.

The Greater Omaha Chapter of APIC has 108 members from western Iowa and eastern to mid-Nebraska.  Monthly meetings enhance educational opportunities and provide opportunities for networking among professionals working in all phases of the healthcare continuum.

2004 President's Report   (pdf)

2005 MDRO Guidelines - Hot off the Press!

Annual Long-term care Conference brochure
Friday, April 1, 2005


This web site contains documents in Adobe PDF (Portable Document Format).  In order to access PDF files on this website, you must have the 3.x or higher version of the Acrobat� Reader installed on your computer. This software is available free of charge from Adobe Software.


Featured websites  

Highly Recommended

APIC Response to the OSHA Respiratory Fit Test requirement

National Fire Protection Association updates the Life Safety Codes - Alcohol in hallways is allowed. 
Read the news.

Surviving Sepsis Campaign - co-sponsored by many of the Critical Care Organizations.

The Hand Hygiene Resource  Center

Premier: The performance improvement alliance
Premier supports not-for-profit hospitals and health systems with services such as insurance, supply chain consulting, education and networking, and benchmarking data - lots of information about safety.  Choose "Safety" from the drop-down box on the left.

Influenza Fact Sheets for HCW, patients, and public by the Iowa Health Department

This site has been made possible by ICPA, Inc., makers of the AICE�, QTrendz�, Respond�, and RedBat� software. Ask about using AICE for infection control surveillance including monitoring prophylactic antibiotics, QTrendz for quality control charts, Respond for employee health, and RedBat for syndromic surveillance.

Copyright �2001-2005 Greater Omaha APIC
Updated 02/15/05

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