Association for Professionals
in Infection Control & Epidemiology

Greater Omaha Chapter


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What's in the News

Point of Interest to Infection Control Professionals:

Evidence Based Guidelines

The Department of Health in England has published new national evidence-based guidelines for preventing hospital-acquired infections. This first set includes Central line related infections and Urinary Tract Infections.

New Report - Third-party review of TB in the Workplace

The Committee on Regulating Occupational Exposure to Tuberculosis, Division of Tuberculosis, Division of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Institute of Medicine (IOM) has released its report on TB in the Workplace.  APIC worked with members of congress to appropriate the money for this review and was responsible for drafting the language that became law which called for this study.

Safety Device Legislation

Needlestick legislation - Signed into law on November 6, 2000, this legislation has several key points relative to changes required in the bloodborne pathogens standard.  Check back soon for a listing of the key points and references to documents.  If you have related sites to recommend, please email them to


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