Greater Omaha APIC



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(first firstname plus lastname, e.g., lsnyder-sloan)

(APIC membership # - if your membership ID begins with a "0", delete this number)


photos of workers


Greater Omaha APIC is an active and growing chapter with much to offer through resources, programs, and networking opportunities.  We invite you to consider membership in our chapter and national APIC.

Membership Brochure [pdf] | Update your membership information

What are the advantages to membership? Attendance at all APIC programs and events
Subscription to
The American Journal of Infection Control
Discounts of national publications and conferences
What are the costs of membership? Local membership - $20/year

National membership - $185/year (membership in National APIC is required for membership in a local chapter)

How can I obtain more information about membership? Our membership secretary is Terry Micheels.  You can contact her by telephone (402-354-8119), email       OR

You can complete this information and we'll get back to you as soon as possible:

I have the following question
(or type "I want to join"):

Please tell us how we should get in touch with you:

Last name:

First name:

Your address:

Your email address:

Your phone number:













Updated 03/05/10

Webmaster: Lincoln Webdesign, LLC

Copyright © 2010 Greater Omaha APIC -  All rights reserved.