APIC Greater Omaha Membership - 072602


APIC National Office

Mary Ann Apfel, RN, CIC

Mary Auxier, RN, BSN, CIC



Infection Control Coordinator

Inf Cont Nurse, QA Coordinator, Safety


1275 K Street NW, Suite 1000

St. Francis Medical Center



Washington, DC 20005-4006

Box 9804

Nemaha County Good Samaritan Center


W: (202) 789-1890

Grand Island, NE 68802

Rt 1, Box 4



W: (308) 398-5596

Auburn, NE 68305


Fax: (202) 789-1899

H: (308) 583-2441

W: (402) 274-4954



Fax: (308) 398-6598

H: (402) 883-2236


Email: APICinfo@apic.org

Pager: (308) 398-7799 (x) 312

Fax: (402) 274-4424


Home Address

Email: mapfel@sfmc-gi.org



Mailing Address

Home Address

Email: mauxier@good-sam.com




Home Address


1275 K Street NW, Suite 1000




Washington, DC 20005-4006

Mailing Address



Status =

Mary Ann Apfel

Mailing Address



Infection Control

Mary Auxier, RN, BSN, CIC



St. Francis Medical Center

Nemaha County Good Samaritan Center



Box 9804

Rt 1, Box 4



Grand Island, NE 68802

Auburn, NE 68305



Status = Active

Status = Active


Sharon Babel, RNC, BSN

Barbara Baldwin, MT(ASCP)

Nancy Beitenman, RN, BSN, CIC


Infection Control/Inservice Coordinator

Med Tech

Risk Management Specialist


Papillion Manor

Thayer County Health Services

Alegent Health


610 South Polk Street

120 Park Avenue

Immanuel Bergan


Papillion, NE 68046

Hebron, NE 68370

6901 North 72nd Street


W: (402) 339-7700

W: (402) 768-4618

Omaha, NE 68122


H: (402) 895-4034

H: (402) 446-7277

W: (402) 572-3442


Fax: (402) 592-9155

Fax: (402) 768-6197

H: (402) 292-5446




Fax: (402) 572-3651


Email: skb@ne.uswest.net


Pager: ( ) 572-2799 (x) 956


Home Address

Home Address

Email: nbeitenm@alegent.org



Omaha, NE 68136




Mailing Address

Mailing Address



Sharon Babel

Barbara Baldwin, MT(ASCP)

Mailing Address


16125 Josephine Street

Thayer County Health Services

Nancy Beitenman


Omaha, NE 68136

120 Park Avenue

207 Oakridge Ct


Status = Active

Hebron, NE 68370

Bellevue, NE 68005



Status = Active

Status = Active


Eleanor K. Bistline, RN, BA

Pamelia K. Bower, RN, BSN

Rosemarie Burnham, RN, BS


Infection Control Nurse

Asst DON, Inf Cont/Emp Health Nurse

Director of Nursing


Visiting Nurses Association

Brodstone Memorial Hospital

Maple Crest Center


1941 So. 42nd Street

520 East 10th Street

2824 N. 66th Avenue


Suite 225

Superior, NE 68978

Omaha, NE 68104


Omaha, NE 68105

W: (402) 897-4432 (x) 272

W: (402) 551-2110 (x) 213


W: (402) 342-5566

H: (402) 225-4109

H: (402) 292-3219


H: (402) 932-5983

Fax: (402) 879-4924

Fax: (402) 551-1819


Fax: (402) 342-5587





Email: bower@navix.net

Email: rburnham@abhomes.org


Email: ebistline@VNAM.org

Home Address

Home Address





Mailing Address

Mailing Address


Mailing Address

Pam Bower

Rosemarie Burnham


Eleanor Bistline

Brodstone Memorial Hospital

Maple Crest Center


Visiting Nurse's Association

520 East 10th Street

2824 North 66th Avenue


1941 So. 42nd Street

Superior, NE 68978

Omaha, NE 68104


Suite 225

Status = Active

Status = Active


Omaha, NE 68105



Status = Active

Peggy Christ, RN, ET

Carol A. Clemons ADN, RN

Tanya Collins



Nurse Epidemiologist/Enterostomal Ther

5106 N. 2nd St

603 Andante Drive


Infection Control/ET Services

Omaha, NE 68110-1220

Ballwin, MO 63011


2341 South 35th Street

W: (402) 345-1470

W: (314) 393-2525


Omaha, NE 68105

H: (402) 453-7731



W: (402) 345-4912

Fax: (402) 341-3356



H: (402) 345-4912










Mailing Address

Mailing Address



Carol A. Clemons

Tanya Collins



5106 N. 2nd St

603 Andante Drive



Omaha, NE 68110-1220

Ballwin, MO 63011


Mailing Address

Status = Active

Status =


Peggy Christ, RN, ET


2341 South 35th Street


Omaha, NE 68105


Status = Active


Rita Craig, RN, BSN

Kathleen DeRoos, RN, MSN, FNP

Sherry Dufault, BA, RN


Infection Control Specialist/ AICU Staff

Infection Control Practitioner

Father Flanagan's Boy Hone





Veterans Affairs Medical Center



Nebraska Health Systems

4101 Woolworth Avenue

13603 Flanagan Blvd.


984031 Nebraska Medical Center

Omaha, NE 68105

Boys Town, NE 68010


Omaha, NE 68198-4031

W: (402) 346-8800 (x) 3319

W: (402) 498-1914


W: (402) 559-7128

H: (402) 397-6974

H: (402) 556-8514


H: (402) 496-9134

Fax: (402) 977-5641

Fax: (402) 498-3333



Pager: (402) 449-0699 (x) 204




Email: kathleen.deroos@med.va.gov

Email: dufaults@boystown.org


Email: rcraig@nhsnet.org

Home Address

Home Address


Home Address


Mailing Address


Mailing Address


Sherry Dufault, BS, RN


Rita Craig, RN, BSN

Mailing Address

Father Flanagan's Boys Home


984031 Nebraska Medical Center

Kathleen DeRoos



Omaha, NE 68198-4031

Infection Control Practitioner

13603 Flanagan Blvd


Status = Active

VA Medical Center

Boys Town, NE 68010



4101 Woolworth Avenue

Status = Active



Omaha, NE 68105



Status = Active


Kristina Felix, RN, BA, CRRN, CIC


Infection Control Coordinator


Madonna Rehab Hospital


5401 South Street


Lincoln, NE 68506-2150


W: (402) 483-9832


H: (402) 486-3791




Pager: (402) 790-7173


Email: kfelix@madonna.org


Home Address


Mailing Address


Kristina Felix, RN, CIC


Madonna Rehab Hospital


5401 South Street


Lincoln, NE 68506-2150



Status = Active

Lorene A. Fiala RN, MSE

Teri Fitzgerald Rn, BSN

Marie Fusco, RN



Risk Manager/Infection Control Officer

Infection Control Specialist

Annie Jeffrey Cty Mem Hospital


Norfolk Regional Center

Nebraska Health System

531 Beebe Street


1700 North Victory Road, Bldg 16

984031 Nebraska Medical Center

Osceola, NE 68651


Box 1209

Omaha NE, 68198-4031



Norfolk NE, 68702-1209

W: (402) 559-7378



W: (402) 370-4333

H: (402) 734-1070



H: (402) 986-1287

Fax: (402) 559-8300



Fax: (402) 370-3194


Email: aj70906altel.net



Email: tfitzgerald@nhsnet.org

Home Address


Email: lorene.fiala@hhsstate.ne.us

Home Address

Mailing Address


Home Address

Mailing Address

Marie Fusco, RN



Teri Fitzgerald

Annie Jeffrey Cty Mem Hospital



Nebraska Health System

531 Beebe Street



984031 Nebraska Medical Cente

Osceola, NE 68651


Mailing Address

Omaha NE, 68198-4031

Status = Active


Lorene Fiala

Status = Active


Norfolk Regional Center


1700 North Victory Road, Bldg 16


Box 1209


Norfolk NE, 68702-1209


Status = Active


Phil C. Gibson

Kris Greenwalt, RN, CIC

Nancy Haberstich, RN, CIC



Quality Mgt/Infection Control Nurse



1621 N 69th St

VA Nebr-Western Iowa Healthcare System

Self employed - Contract with CR Bard -


Kansas City

2201 North Broadwell

International Sites


W: (800) 989-7575 (x) 23085

Grand Island, NE 68803

2219 Ryons St.



W: (308) 382-3660 (x) 2453

Lincoln, NE, 68502-3841


Fax: (913) 334-3198

H: (308) 384-4193

W: (402) 477-6333



Fax: (308) 389-5113

H: (402) 477-6333


Email: philip_gibson@ steris.com

Pager: (308) 382-3660 (x) 184

Fax: (402) 477-6539


Home Address

Email: kristine.greenwalt@med.va.gov



Mailing Address

Home Address

Email: trustgod813@aol.com


Phil C. Gibson


Home Address


1621 N 69th St




Kansas City, KS 66102

Mailing Address



Status = Active

Kris Greenwalt

Mailing Address



2920 N. St. Paul Rd

Nancy Haberstich, RN, CIC



Grand Island, NE 68801

2219 Ryons Street



Status = Active

Lincoln, NE 68502-3841




Status = Associate

Stephanie Hansen, RN

Cindy Havlat, RN

Monica A. Haynes, LPN


Risk Manager/IC/EH WorkComp Coor




St. Mary's Hospital

Crete Manor

5505 Grover Street


1314 3rd Avenue

830 East 1st Street

Omaha, NE 62106


Nebraska City, NE 68410

Crete, NE 68333

W: (402) 558-0225


W: (402) 873-8926

W: (402) 826-4325

H: (402) 296-0291


H: (402) 267-5156

H: (402) 826-5624

Fax: (402) 558-2537


Fax: (402) 873-9033

Fax: (402) 826-4661







Email: sdhansen@stez.org

Email: cindystein@yahoo.com

Home Address


Home Address

Home Address

Mailing Address




Monica A. Haynes, LPN






Mailing Address

Mailing Address

5505 Grover Street


Stephanie Hansen, RN

Cindy Havlatr, RN, CIC

Omaha, NE 62106


Risk Manager/IC/EH WorkComp Coor

Crete Manor

Status = Active


St. Mary's Hospital

830 East 1st Street


1314 3rd Avenue

Crete, NE 68333


Nebraska City, NE 68410

Status = Active


Status = Active


Cindy Heavican, RN, CIC

Mary L. Heidemann, MT(ASCP)

Virginia Helget, RN, MSN, CIC


Columbus Manor

Infection Control Coordinator

Infection Control Specialist


3918 27th Street

Jefferson Community Health Center

Nebraska Health System


Columbus, NE 68601

Box 277

984031 Nebraska Medical Center


W: (402) 564-8014

Fairbury, NE 68352

Omaha, NE 68198-4031


H: (402) 564-0929

W: (402) 729-3351 (x) 164

W: (402) 552-2360


Fax: (402) 564-0885

H: (402) 446-7398

H: (402) 558-6179



Fax: (402) 729-2102

Fax: (402) 559-8300




Pager: () 888-4646


Home Address

Email: maryheidemann@hotmail.com

Email: vhelget@nhsnet.org


Mailing Address

Home Address

Home Address


Cindy Heavican, RN, CIC




Columbus Manor




3918 27th Street

Mailing Address

Mailing Address


Columbus, NE 68601

Mary L. Heidemann

Virginia Helget


Status = Active

Infection Control Coordinator

4947 Hickory Street



Jefferson Community Health Center

Omaha, NE 68106-2447



Box 277

Status = Active



Fairbury, NE 68352



Status = Active


Karl D. Hering RN, BA

Kathleen Hillier, RN

Billi Hitz, RN, BSN


Nurse Manager/Infection Control

Infection Control/Employee Health

Infection Control Coordinator


Douglas County Health Center

Providence Medical Center

Boone County Health Center


4102 Woolworth Avenue

1200 Providence Road

723 W. Fairview


Omaha, NE 68105-1899

Wayne NE, 68787-1212

Albion NE, 68620-1725


W: (402) 444-7723

W: (402) 375-3800

W: (402) 395-2191



H: (402) 375-1704

H: (402) 776-2606


Fax: (402) 444-3296

Fax: (402) 375-7989

Fax: (402) 395-5165




Pager: (402) 644-6717


Email: k.hering@co.douglas.ne.us


Email: surgery@boonehealth.org


Home Address

Home Address

Home Address


Mailing Address




Karl D. Hering, RN, BA (N)




Douglas County Health Center


Mailing Address


4102 Woolworth Avenue

Mailing Address

Billi Hitz, RN, BSN


Omaha, NE 68105-1899

Kathleen Hillier

Boone County Health Center


Status = Active

Providence Medical Center

723 W. Fairview



1200 Providence Road

Albion NE, 68620-1725



Wayne NE, 68787-1212

Status = Active




Status =

Laura Hoogestraat, RN, CIC

Linda Horning, RN

Connie Hyde, RN, BSN, CIC



Infection Control Coordinator


Infection Control/Employee Health


Faith Regional Health Services

H: (402) 451-3379

Mary Lanning Hospital


2700 Norfolk Avenue


715 N Street Joseph


Norfolk, NE 68701


Hastings, NE 68901


W: (402) 371-4880 (x) 6415


W: (402) 461-5166


H: (402) 329-4782

Home Address

H: (402) 463-0387


Fax: (402) 644-7613


Fax: (402) 461-5371




Pager: (402) 460-6076


Email: lhoogestraat@frhs.org

Mailing Address

Email: chyde@mlmh.org


Home Address

Linda A. Horning

Home Address



3947 Vernon Avenue




Omaha, NE 68111



Mailing Address

Status = Retired

Mailing Address


Laura Hoogestraat

Connie Hyde, RN, MSN, CIC


Infection Control Coordinator

Mary Lanning Hospital


Faith Regional Health Services

715 N. Street Joseph


2700 Norfolk Avenue

Hastings, NE 68901


Norfolk, NE 68701

Status = Active


Status = Active


Tina M. Intorre, RN, BSN

Connie Janicek, RN

Carol Janitscheck, RN


Infection Control Officer

Infection Control Coordinator

Good Samiaritan Hospital


USAF/Ehrling Bergquist Hospital

Butler County Health Care Center

10 E 31st Street


2501 Capehart Rd

372 South 9th Street

Kearney, NE68847


Offutt AFB, NE 68113

David City, NE 68632

W: (308) 865-7944


W: (402) 294-6967

W: (402) 367-3115

H: (308) 388-4175


H: (402) 682-9652

H: (402) 367-6282

Fax: (308) 865-2798


Fax: (402) 294-6195

Fax: (402) 367-4107





Email: cjanitscheck@chi-midwest.org


Email: tina.intorre@offutt.af.mil

Email: jconniej@web-unwired.net

Home Address


Home Address

Home Address

Mailing Address




Carol Janitscheck, RN




Good Samaritan Hospital


Mailing Address

Mailing Address

10 E 31st Street


Tina M. Intorre

Connie Janicek, RN

Kearney, NE 68847


2927 Jason Street

Infection Control

Status = Active


Bellevue, NE 68123

Butler County Health Care Center


Status = Active

372 South 9th Street



David City, NE 68632



Status = Active


Pamela John, RN

Dawn Jourdan RN, BSN

Alisha Jundt, RN


Nemaha Cty Hosp

Infeciton Control Specialist

Ambassador of Omaha


2022 13th St

Nebraska Health System

1540 North 72nd Street


Auburn, NE 68305-1701

984031 Nebraska Medical Center

Omaha, NE 68114-1924


W: (402) 274-4366

Omaha NE, 68198-4031

W: (402) 393-6500


H: (402) 856-3135

W: (402) 552-3409

H: (402) 393-2098


Fax: (402) 274-4399

H: (402) 331-9348

Fax: (402) 393-6502



Fax: (402) 559-8300

Pager: (402) 995-6051


Email: nursing@nemahacountyhospital.org




Home Address

Email: djourdan@nhsnet.org

Home Address


Mailing Address

Home Address



Nemaha Cty Hosp

Mailing Address



2022 13th St

Dawn Jourdan

Mailing Address


Auburn, NE 68305-1701

Nebraska Health System

Alisha Jundt


Status = Active

984031 Nebraska Medical Center

Ambassador of Omaha



Omaha NE, 68198-4031

1540 North 72nd Street



Status = Active

Omaha, NE 68114-1924




Status = Active

Jane Kathol, RN

Jane A. Kavan, BSN (N)

Irene Kemper, RN, CNOR, BSN


Assistant Director of Nursing

Infection Control Practitioner

Infection Control Coordinator


Beverly Healthcare

Methodist Hospital

St. Elizabeth Regional Medical Center


401 West Darlene Street

8303 Dodge St

555 South 70th Street


Hartington, NE 68739

Omaha, NE, 68114

Lincoln, NE 68510


W: (402) 254-3905

W: (402) 354-4505

W: (402) 486-7333



H: (402) 861-9872

H: (402) 489-8452


Fax: (402) 254-3963

Fax: (402) 354-8683

Fax: (402) 486-8998







Email: jkavan@nmhs.org

Email: ikemper@stez.org


Home Address

Home Address

Home Address


Mailing Address




Jane Kathol




Beverly Healthcare

Mailing Address

Mailing Address


Hartington, NE 68739

Jane A. Kavan, BSN

Irene Kemper


Status = Active

Nebraska Methodist Hospital

Infection Control



8303 Dodge St.

St. Elizabeth Regional Medical Center



Omaha, NE 68114

555 South 70th Street



Status = Active

Lincoln, NE 68510



Status = Active


Janet M. Keuchel, RN, BSN

Mary E. Kirby, RN, BSN, CIC

Bernie Kocanda, RN, CIC, CSPDS


Infection Control Specialist

Infection Control Practitioner

Clinical Specialist


Nebraska Health System

Nebraska Methodist Hospital

CR Bard


984031 Nebaska Medical Center

8303 Dodge Street

5208 Y Street


Omaha, NE 68198-4031

Omaha, NE 68114

Omaha, NE 68117


W: (402) 559-3980

W: (402) 354-4690

W: (800) 526-4455 (x) 93135



H: (402) 334-1151

H: (402) 733-5818


Fax: (402) 559-8300

Fax: (402) 354-8683

Fax: (402) 734-9760



Pager: () 221-1506



Email: jkeuchel@nhsnet.org

Email: mkirby@nmhs.org

Email: bernice.kocanda@crbard.com


Home Address

Home Address

Home Address


Mailing Address




Janet M. Keuchel, RN, BSN




Nebraska Health System

Mailing Address

Mailing Address


984031 Nebaska Medical Center

Mary E. Kirby, RN, CIC

Berni Kocanda


Omaha, NE 68198-4031

Epidemiology Department



Status = Active

Methodist Hospital

5208 Y Street



8303 Dodge Street

Omaha, NE 68117



Omaha, NE 68114

Status = Associate



Status = Active


Larry Krebsbach, REHS, CIC

Bonita Krohn, APRN, NP

Colleen Larsen, RN, BSN, CIC



Alegent Immanuel Fontanelle Home

Infection Control Specialist


Bryan LGH Medical Center East

6901 N 72nd Street

BryanLGH Medical Center West


1600 South 48th Street

Omaha, NE 68114-4108

2300 South 16th


Lincoln, NE 68506

W: (402) 572-2974

Lincoln, NE 68502-3780


W: (402) 481-8945

H: (402) 654-2249

W: (402) 481-5614


H: (402) 488-5140

Fax: (402) 572-3129

H: (308) 534-5557




Fax: (308) 532-3713



Email: bkrohn@alegent.org

Pager: (800) 504-4402


Email: lkrebsbach@bryanLGH.org

Home Address

Email: colleen.larsen@bryanlgh.org


Home Address

Mailing Address

Home Address



Bonita Krohn, APRN, NP




Alegent Immanuel Fontanelle Home



Mailing Address

6901 N 72nd Street

Mailing Address


Larry Krebsbach, REHS, CIC

Omaha, NE 68114-4108

Colleen Larsen, RN, BSN, CIC



Status =

215 Park Ridge Road


BryanLGH Medical Center East

North Platte, NE 69101


1600 South 48th Street

Status = Active


Lincoln, NE 68506



Status = Active

Ann Lorenzen, RN, MSN, CIC

Jan Lovely, RN

Peggy Luebbert, MS, MT(ASCP), CIC


Infection Control Specialist

Staff Development Coor/Infection Control

Alegent System Leader, Infection Control


Saint Joseph Hospital

Montclair Nrsg & Rehab Center

and Epidemiology


601 North 30th Street

2525 S 135th Avenue

Alegent Health-Bergan Mercy


Omaha, NE 68131

Omaha, NE 68144-2424

7500 Mercy Road


W: (402) 449-4779

W: (402) 333-2304

Omaha, NE 68124


H: (402) 558-3426

H: (402) 572-8357

W: (402) 398-6034


Fax: (402) 449-4475

Fax: (402) 333-1269

H: (402) 895-9018


Pager: () 978-3640


Fax: (402) 398-6658


Email: ann.lorenzen@tenethealth.com


Pager: ( ) 572-2799 (x) 356


Home Address

Home Address

Email: pluebber@alegent.org




Home Address



Mailing Address

Mailing Address



Ann Lorenzen, RN, MSN, CIC

Jan Lovely, RN

Mailing Address


Infection Control

Montclair Nrsg & Rehab Center

Peggy Luebbert


Saint Joseph Hospital

2525 S 135th Avenue

Risk Management


601 North 30th Street

Omaha, NE 68144-2424

Alegent Health-Bergan Mercy


Omaha, NE 68131

Status = Active

7500 Mercy Rd


Status = Active

Omaha, NE 68124



Status = Active


Nedra D. Marion, RN, BSN, MPA, CIC

Adene Maronde, RNC

Teri McConnaha


Manager, Healthcare Epidemiology

Midwest Covenant Home

Tiffany Square Care Center


Nebraska Health System

615 E. 9th St

3119 Faidley Avenue


984031 Nebraska Medical Center

Stromsburg NE, 68666

Grand Island, NE 68803


Omaha, NE 68198-4031

W: (402) 764-2711

W: (308) 384-2333


W: (402) 559-7968

H: (402) 362-5396



H: (402) 455-8449


Fax: (308) 384-3620


Fax: (402) 559-8300




Pager: () 888-2287

Email: lmaronde@neb.rr.com



Email: nmarion@nhsnet.org

Home Address

Home Address


Home Address


Mailing Address




Teri McConnaha



Mailing Address

Tiffany Square Care Center


Mailing Address

Adene Maronde, RNC

3119 Faidley Avenue


Nedra Marion

Midwest Covenant Home

Grand Island, NE 68803


Healthcare Epidemiology

615 E. 9th St

Status = Active



Stromsburg NE, 68666


984031 Nebraska Medical Center

Status = Active


Omaha, NE 68198-4031


Status = Active


Emilie McGovern, RN, BSN, CIC

Gerri Means, RN, CIC

Sharon Meaker-Medcalf, RN, BA, M.Ed


Infection Control Coordinator

Infection Control/Safety Practitioner

Infection Control Specialist


St. Frances Medical Center

Fremont Area Medical Center

Nebraska Health System


2620 W Faidley Avenue, Box 9804

450 East 23rd Street

984031 Nebraska Medical Center


Grand Island, NE 69902-9804

Fremont, NE 68025

Omaha, NE 68198-4031


W: (308) 398-5596

W: (402) 727-3713

W: (402) 559-2154


H: (308) 381-2746

H: (402) 721-7214

H: (402) 592-9752


Fax: (308) 398-6590

Fax: (402) 727-3433

Fax: (402) 559-8300


Pager: (308) 398-5596 (x) 312




Email: emcgover@sfmc-gi.org

Email: gmeans@famc.org

Email: smedcalf@nhsnet.org




2929 Dale Street

2008 Corn Dr.



Fremont, NE 68025

Papillion, NE 68046


Mailing Address

Mailing Address

Mailing Address


Emilie McGovern, RN, BSN, CIC

Gerri Means

Sharon Meaker-Medcalf


Infection Control

Infection Control/Safety

2008 Corn Dr.


St. Frances Medical Center

Fremont Area Medical Center

Papillion, NE 68046


2620 W. Faidley Ave, Box 9804

450 East 23rd Street

Status = Active


Grand Island, EN 68802-9804

Fremont, NE 68025



Status = Active

Status = Active

Marsha A. Meyer, RN, CIC

Sue Miller, RN, BSN, CCM,CIC

Richard Morin, MD


Epidemiology/Infection Control Specialist

Infection Control Practitioner

Vice President, Medical Affairs


Regional West Medical Center

Nebaska Methodist Hospital

Bryan LGH Medical Center


4021 Avenue B

8303 Dodge Street

1500 South 48th, Ste 506


Scottsbluff, NE69361

Omaha, NE 68114`

Lincoln, NE 68506


W: (308) 630-1105

W: (402) 354-8618

W: (402) 489-1110


H: (308) 635-2417

H: (402) 496-1474

H: (402) 438-1696


Fax: (308) 630-1700

Fax: (402) 354-8683

Fax: (402) 489-8492



Pager: () 636-9502



Email: meyerm@rwmc.net

Email: smiller@nmhs.org

Email: rmorin@bryanlgh.org



2311 3rd Avenue

2721 North 150th Avenue

3009 Sheridan Blvd


Scottsbluff, NE 69361

Omaha, NE 68116

Lincoln, NE 68502


Mailing Address

Mailing Address

Mailing Address


Marsha Meyer, RN, CIC

Sue Miller

Richard Morin, MD


Regional West Medical Center


1500 South 48th, Ste 506


4021 Avenue B

Nebraska Methodist Hospital

Lincoln, NE 68506


Scottsbluff, NE 69361

8303 Dodge Street

Status = Active


Status = Active

Omaha, NE 68114



Status = Active


Christina J. Moser

Linda Muell, RN, BSN, CIC

Jeanette Nerud, RN


4116 S 147 Th Plaza, #303

Risk Management Specialist

Infection Control Coordinator


Omaha, NE 68137

Alegent Health- Mercy

Crete Area Medical Center


W: (800) 833-3223

800 Mercy Road

Box 220


H: (402) 896-2739

Council Bluffs, IA 51503

Crete, NE 68333



W: (712) 328-5001

W: (402) 826-6800



H: (712) 256-0861

H: (402) 826-5429


Email: christina.moser@kendallhg.com

Fax: (712) 325-2425

Fax: (402) 826-6833


Home Address




Mailing Address

Email: linda_muell@hotmail.com

Email: jeanette_nerud@hotmail.com


Christina J. Moser

Home Address

Home Address


4116 S 147 Th Plaza, #303




Omaha, NE 68137




Status = Active

Mailing Address

Mailing Address



Linda Muell

Jeanette Nerud



105 Landmark Drive #30

880 Iris Avenue



Council Bluffs, IA 51503

Crete, NE 68333



Status = Active

Status = Active


Christine Newlon, RN, BSN

Nancy Noda, RN, MSHP, CIC, CHSP

Vincent Oczki, RN, CIC


Administrator, Communicable Diseases

Operations Director of Customer

Risk Management Specialist


NE HHS Regulation & Licensure

Alegent Health Midlands Hospital

Alegent Health Immanuel Med Center


Box 95007

11111 South 84th Street

6901 North 72nd Street


Lincoln, NE68509-5007

Papillion, NE 68046

Omaha, NE 68122


W: (402) 471-2937

W: (402) 593-3280

W: (402) 572-2071


H: (402) 489-9895

H: (402) 331-8666

H: (402) 453-4495


Fax: (402) 471-3601

Fax: (402) 593-3117

Fax: (402) 572-3651



Pager: ( ) 398-6900 (x) 3240

Pager: ( ) 572-2799 (x) 630


Email: christine.newlon@hhss.state.ne.us

Email: nnoda@alegent.org




4041 South 82nd Street Cr

710 Crest Drive

3823 N 53rd Street


Lincoln, NE 68506

Papillion, NE 68046

Omaha, NE 68104


Mailing Address

Mailing Address

Mailing Address


Chris Newlon

Nancy Noda, RN, MSHP, CIC, CHSP

Vincent Oczki, RN, CIC


Communicable Diseases

Customer Resources

Alegent Health Immanuel Med Center



Alegent Health Midlands Hospital

6901 North 72nd Street


Bx 95007

1111South 84th Street

Omaha, NE 68122


Lincoln, NE 68509-5007

Papillion, NE 68046

Status = Active



Status = Active

Status = Active

Don Pearson, MT(ASCP)

Michelle Pedersen, LPNC

Robert G. Penn, MD


Medl Tech/Infection Control Coord

Lakeview Health & Rehab

Infectious Diesases Associates,P.C.


Pender Community Hospital

1405 West Hwy 34

Dept of Epid


Box 100, 603 Earl Street

Grand Island, NE 68801-8823

8111 Dodge Street, #363


Pender, NE 68047

W: (308) 382-6397

Omaha, NE 68114-4119


W: (402) 385-4000

H: (402) 886-2283

W: (402) 354-8155


H: (402) 385-2257

Fax: (308) 389-0139

H: (402) 551-4473


Fax: (402) 385-4028


Fax: (402) 354-8159



Email: flash@kdsi.net



Email: pearsond@trinity-health.org

Home Address



Home Address

Mailing Address

Home Address



Michelle Pedersen, LPNC

Mailing Address



Lakeview Health & Rehab

Robert G. Penn, MD


Mailing Address

1405 West Hwy 34

Infectious Diesases Associates,P.C.


Don Pearson, MT(ASCP)

Grand Island, NE 68801-8823

Dept of Epid


Infection Control Coordinator

Status = Active

8111 Dodge Street, #363


Pender Community Hospital

Omaha, NE 68114-4119


Box 100

Status = Active


Pender, NE68047


Status = Active


Pamela A. Pete RN, BSN

Sharon Plummer, RN, BS, CIC

Deb Reichel, RN


Staff Development/Infection Control

Infection Control Practitioner

Clin Coor/CQI Co-Coor/IC Chairman


Millard Good Samaritan Center

Children's Hospital

Dialysis Center of Lincoln


12856 Deauvill Dr.

8200 Dodge Street

7910 O Street


Omaha, NE 68137-3297

Omaha, NE 68114

Lincoln, NE 68510-2500


W: (402) 895-2266

W: (402) 955-3814

W: (402) 489-5339


H: (402) 894-0156

H: (712) 322-1193



Fax: (402) 895-8964

Fax: (402) 955-3820

Fax: (402) 489-7366



Pager: ( ) 221-1507



Email: ppete@good-sam.com

Email: splummer@chsomaha.org

Email: dreichel@dialysisnebraska.org





Mailing Address




Deb Reichel, RN


Mailing Address

Mailing Address

Dialysis Center of Lincoln


Pamela A. Pete RN, BSN

Sharon Plummer

7910 O Street


Millard Good Samaritan Center

1026 Military Avenue

Lincoln, NE 68510-2500


12856 Deauvill Dr.

Council Bluffs, IA 51503-1814

Status = Active


Omaha, NE 68137-3297

Status = Active


Status = Active


Patricia Ricenbaw, LPN

Debbie L. Roberts, BSN, MBA

Sylvia Roberts, RN


Warren Memorial Hospital/LTC

Son-Lincoln Regional Center

Infection Control Practitioner


905 2nd Street

PO Box 94949

Nebraska Methodist Hospital


Friend, NE 68359

Lincoln, NE 68509-4949

8303 Dodge Street


W: (402) 947-2571

W: (402) 479-5871

Omaha, NE 68114


H: (402) 947-4761

H: (402) 423-5340

W: (402) 354-8714



Fax: (402) 479-5124

H: (402) 289-1177




Fax: (402) 354-8683




Pager: () 444-9788


Home Address

Home Address

Email: sroberts@nmhs.org


Mailing Address

Mailing Address

Home Address


Patricia Ricenbaw, LPN

Debbie L. Roberts, BSN, MBA



Warren Memorial Hospital/LTC

Son-Lincoln Regional Center



905 2nd Street

PO Box 94949

Mailing Address


Friend, NE 68359

Lincoln, NE 68509-4949

Sylvia Roberts


Status = Active

Status = Active




Nebraska Methodist Hospital



8303 West Dodge Rd



Omaha, NE 68114




Status = Active

Patricia Simmering RN, BSN

Linda K. Skala, RNC

Rogene K. Snyder, BA/CLS (NCA) MT


Infection Control Coordinator

Staff Dev Coor/Infection Control Officer



Hastings Regional Center

Huntington Park Care Center

Infection Control Officer/Microbiology





4200 W. 2nd St.

1507 East Gold Coast Rd.


P.O. Box 579

Papillion, NE 68046

55 MDG Ehrling Bergquist Hospital/SGOSI


Hastings NE, 68901-9700

W: (402) 339-6010

2501 Capehart Road


W: (402) 462-1971

H: (402) 991-7548

Offutt A F B, NE 68113-2160


H: (402) 463-1536

Fax: (402) 339-6088

W: (402) 294-9029


Fax: (402) 460-3134


H: (402) 292-8647







Home Address



Home Address


Email: rogene.snyder@offutt.af.mil




Home Address



Mailing Address



Mailing Address

Linda Skala, RNC



Patricia Simmering

7312 Frederick Avenue

Mailing Address


Hastings Regional Center

LaVista, NE 68128

Rogene K. Snyder, BA/CLS (NCA) MT (ASCP)



4200 W. 2nd St.

Status = Active

55 MDG Ehrling Bergquist Hospital/SGOSI



P.O. Box 579

2501 Capehart Road


Hastings NE, 68901-9700

Offutt A F B, NE 68113-2160



Status = Active

Status = Active




Lori Snyder, RN, BSN, MA, CIC

Dorothy Sonksen, RN, BSN, MS, CIC,

Karen Spenner, RN, CIC


Infection Control Coordinator


Infection Control/Employee Health Nurse


St. Elizabeth Regional Medical Center

Creighton Cancer Center

St. Francis Memorial Hospital


555 South 70th Street

601 No. 30th

430 North Monitor Street


Lincoln, NE 68510

Omaha, NE 68131

West Point, NE 68788


W: (402) 486-7333

W: (402) 280-4364

W: (402) 372-2404


H: (402) 489-7181

H: (712) 882-1388

H: (402) 528-3431


Fax: (402) 486-8998


Fax: (402) 372-2360






Email: lsnyder@stez.org

Email: sonksen@pionet.net

Email: kspenner@fcswp.org



Mailing Address

11395 Sumac Avenue

Box 42, 814 East 3rd Street


Lori Snyder

Mapleton, IA 51034

Beemer, NE 68716


Infection Control

Mailing Address

Mailing Address


St. Elizabeth Regional Medical Center

Dorothy Sonksen

Karen Spenner, RN, CIC


555 South 70th Street

11395 Sumac Avenue

St. Francis Memorial Hospital


Lincoln, NE 68510

Mapleton, IA 51034

430 North Monitor Street


Status = Active

Status = Active

West Point, NE 68788




Status = Active

Tim Timmons, RN, BSN

Judith Ueda, BSN, MPH

Dawn M. Vondra, RN, BSN


Communicable Disease Program

Infection Control Nurse

BD Infusion/Injection Specialist


Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Dept

Alegent Mercy Care Center



3140 N Street

1870 South 75th Street

W: (800) 219-7174 (x) 2361


Lincoln, NE 68510

Omaha, NE 68124

H: (402) 496-9225


W: (402) 441-8056

W: (402) 343-8539

Fax: (402) 496-1921


H: (402) 438-3043

H: (402) 393-2196



Fax: (402) 441-6205


Email: dawn_vondra@bd.com



Pager: ( ) 398-6900 (x) 2057

Home Address


Email: ttimmons@ci.lincoln.ne.us

Email: jueda@alegent.org

14009 Hartman Avenue


Home Address

Home Address

Omaha, NE 68164




Mailing Address




Dawn M. Vondra, RN, BSN


Mailing Address

Mailing Address

14009 Hartman Avenue


Tim Timmons

Judith Ueda, BSN, MPH

Omaha, NE 68164



9505 Capitol Avenue

Status = Active



Omaha, NE 68114


Status = Active

Status = Active


Sandra Vyhlidal, RN, MSN, CIC

Marlene Walenta, RNC

Cookie Walsh, RN, BS


Epidemiology Coordinator


Columbus Community Hospital


Nebraska Methodist Hospital

Lancaster Manor

Box 819


8303 Dodge Street

1001 South Street

Columbus, NE 68602-0819


Omaha, NE 68114

Lincoln, NE 68501

W: (402) 563-9625


W: (402) 354-4527

W: (402) 441-7101

H: (402) 563-0762


H: (402) 289-1086

H: (402) 826-2891

Fax: (402) 563-9673


Fax: (402) 354-8683

Fax: (401) 441-6557



Pager: () 221-1836


Email: cookie_walsh@hotmail.com


Email: svyhlid@nmhs.org


Home Address


Home Address

Home Address

Mailing Address




Cookie Walsh, RN, BS




Columbus Community Hospital


Mailing Address

Mailing Address

Box 819


Sandra Vyhlidal

Marlene Walenta, RNC

Columbus, NE 68602-0819



Lancaster Manor

Status = Active


Nebraska Methodist Hospital

1001 South Street


8303 Dodge Street

Lincoln, NE 68501


Omaha, NE 68114

Status = Active


Status = Active


Valerie Wecker, RN, BSN

Shawn Westadt, RN, CIC

Rita White, MA, CIC


Inf Cont Nurse, Dir of

Coordinator of Quality Programs

Infection Control Practitioner


Avera St. Anthony's Hospital

Memorial Health Care Systems

Methodist Health System


2nd & Adams Street

300 N. Columbia

8303 Dodge Street


O'Neill, NE 68763

Seward, NE 68434

Omaha, NE 68114


W: (402) 336-2611 (x) 5551

W: (402) 643-2971 (x) 225

W: (402) 354-3849


H: (402) 336-1599

H: (402) 643-2441

H: (402) 895-6086


Fax: (402) 336-5145

Fax: (402) 643-6894

Fax: (402) 354-8683




Pager: () 221-1393


Email: valerie.wecker@avera-sta.org

Email: swestadt@yahoo.com

Email: rwhite@nmhs.org



801 E. Donegal

1224 Eastridge Dr.

5502 So. 159th Ave


O'Neill, NE 68763

Seward, NE 68434

Omaha, NE 68135


Mailing Address

Mailing Address

Mailing Address


Valerie Wecker

Shawn Westad-Muellert, RN, CIC

Rita White


Avera St. Anthony's Hospital

300 N. Columbia

Methodist Epidemiology Department


2nd & Adams Street

Seward, NE 68434

8303 Dodge Street


O'Neill, NE 68763

Status = Active

Omaha, NE 68114



Status = Active

Status = Active

Kay F. Whitehead, RN

Ronald Wiley

Rosemary Wischmeier, RN, CIC


Asst DON

Infectious Disease Control Officer

Infection Control/Employee Health Coor


Exira Care Center

Omaha Fire Department

Beatrice Community Hospital


409 S. Carthage

1516 Jackson Street

Box 278


Exira, IA 50076

Omaha, NE 68102-3110

1110 N. 10th Street


W: (712) 268-5393

W: (402) 444-3340

Beatrice, NE 68310


H: (712) 563-2466

H: (402) 333-7934

W: (402) 223-7329


Fax: (712) 268-2414

Fax: (402) 444-6378

H: (402) 865-4895




Fax: (402) 223-7299



Email: rwiley@ci.omaha.ne.us



Home Address

Home Address

Email: rwischmeier@bchhc.org



Mailing Address

Home Address



Ronald Wiley



Mailing Address

Omaha Fire Department



Kay Whitehead, RN

1516 Jackson Street

Mailing Address


Exira Care Center

Omaha, NE 68102-3110

Rosemary Wischmeier, RN, CIC


409 S. Carthage

Status = Active

Beatrice Community Hospital


Exira, IA 50076

Box 278


Status = Active

1110 N. 10th Street



Beatrice, NE 68310



Status = Active


Kathryn Young, BS, LPNC

Lynda Zieg, MT(ASCP), CIC


Infection Control/Employee Health

Quality Management Director


Community Medical Center

York General Hospital


P0 Box 399

2222 Lincoln Avenue


Falls City, NE 68355-0399

York, NE 68467


W: (402) 245-2428

W: (402) 362-0450


H: (402) 245-2066

H: (402) 362-6597


Fax: (402) 245-4841

Fax: (402) 362-0499






Email: Lyndaz@yorkhospital.org



1906 Fulton Street

1020 Wisconsin Ave


Falls City, NE 68355

York, NE 68467


Mailing Address

Mailing Address


Kathryn Young, BS, LPNC

Lynda Zieg


Community Medical Center

York General Hospital


P.O. Box 399

2222 Lincoln Avenue


Falls City, NE 68355

York, NE 68467


Status = Active

Status = Active