APIC Greater Omaha Membership - 0802
Sandra Vyhlidal, RN, MSN, CIC Marlene Walenta, RNC Cookie Walsh, RN, BS
Epidemiology Coordinator ADON Columbus Community Hospital
Nebraska Methodist Hospital Lancaster Manor Box 819
8303 Dodge Street 1001 South Street Columbus, NE 68602-0819
Omaha, NE 68114 Lincoln, NE 68501 W: (402) 563-9625
W: (402) 354-4527 W: (402) 441-7101 H: (402) 563-0762
H: (402) 289-1086 H: (402) 826-2891 Fax: (402) 563-9673
Fax: (402) 354-8683 Fax: (401) 441-6557 Pager:
Pager: () 221-1836 Pager: Email: cookie_walsh@hotmail.com
Email: svyhlid@nmhs.org Email: Home Address
Home Address Home Address Mailing Address
22125 Trailridge Blvd. 415 Hawthorne Cookie Walsh, RN, BS
Elkhorn, NE 68022 Crete, NE 68333 Columbus Community Hospital
Mailing Address Mailing Address Box 819
Sandra Vyhlidal Marlene Walenta, RNC Columbus, NE 68602-0819
Epidemiology Lancaster Manor Status = Active
Nebraska Methodist Hospital 1001 South Street
8303 Dodge Street Lincoln, NE 68501
Omaha, NE 68114 Status = Active
Status = Active
Valerie Wecker, RN, BSN Shawn Westadt, RN, CIC Rita White, MA, CIC
Inf Cont Nurse, Dir of Education/Orientation Coordinator of Quality Programs Infection Control Practitioner
Avera St. Anthony's Hospital Memorial Health Care Systems Methodist Health System
2nd & Adams Street 300 N. Columbia 8303 Dodge Street
O'Neill, NE 68763 Seward, NE 68434 Omaha, NE 68114
W: (402) 336-2611 (x) 5551 W: (402) 643-2971 (x) 225 W: (402) 354-3849
H: (402) 336-1599 H: (402) 643-2441 H: (402) 895-6086
Fax: (402) 336-5145 Fax: (402) 643-6894 Fax: (402) 354-8683
Pager: Pager: Pager: () 221-1393
Email: valerie.wecker@avera-sta.org Email: swestadt@yahoo.com Email: rwhite@nmhs.org
Home Address Home Address Home Address
801 E. Donegal 1224 Eastridge Dr. 5502 So. 159th Ave
O'Neill, NE 68763 Seward, NE 68434 Omaha, NE 68135
Mailing Address Mailing Address Mailing Address
Valerie Wecker Shawn Westad-Muellert, RN, CIC Rita White
Avera St. Anthony's Hospital 300 N. Columbia Methodist Epidemiology Department
2nd & Adams Street Seward, NE 68434 8303 Dodge Street
O'Neill, NE 68763 Status = Active Omaha, NE 68114
Status = Active Status = Active
Kay F. Whitehead, RN Ronald Wiley Rosemary Wischmeier, RN, CIC
Asst DON Infectious Disease Control Officer Infection Control/Employee Health Coor
Exira Care Center Omaha Fire Department Beatrice Community Hospital
409 S. Carthage 1516 Jackson Street Box 278
Exira, IA 50076 Omaha, NE 68102-3110 1110 N. 10th Street
W: (712) 268-5393 W: (402) 444-3340 Beatrice, NE 68310
H: (712) 563-2466 H: (402) 333-7934 W: (402) 223-7329
Fax: (712) 268-2414 Fax: (402) 444-6378 H: (402) 865-4895
Pager: Pager: Fax: (402) 223-7299
Email: Email: rwiley@ci.omaha.ne.us Pager:
Home Address Home Address Email: rwischmeier@bchhc.org
1889 190th Street Mailing Address Home Address
Audubon, IA 50025 Ronald Wiley Box 32, RR#1
Mailing Address Omaha Fire Department Buschard, NE 68323
Kay Whitehead, RN 1516 Jackson Street Mailing Address
Exira Care Center Omaha, NE 68102-3110 Rosemary Wischmeier, RN, CIC
409 S. Carthage Status = Active Beatrice Community Hospital
Exira, IA 50076 Box 278
Status = Active 1110 N. 10th Street

Beatrice, NE 68310

Status = Active
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