Association for Professionals in Infection Control & Epidemiology

Greater Omaha Chapter

Library Resources  



GREATER OMAHA APIC ~ Chapter Library

Members can obtain these materials by contacting our chapter Librarian:

Sharon Plummer, Librarian
Infection Control, Children's Hospital (402) 955-3814

Pager 402-888-8386 (put Star Eight - * 8 -  behind the number to which I am to call back)
Fax (402) 955-3028
E-mail a request:


bulletNational APIC "Certificate of Chapter" Received June 2000.
bullet Year 2000 National APIC Chapter of Excellence Award.

CD Rom’s:

bulletAPIC 2000 27TH Annual Educational Conference and International Meeting, June 18-20, 2000; Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota
bulletDraft of the APIC Text of Infection Control and Epidemiology, Revised 2nd Edition as of June 2004

Books Non-Fiction:

bullet APIC Test of Infection Control and Epidemiology, Received July, 2000
bullet APIC Infection Control and Applied Epidemiology Principles and Practice, 1996
bullet Asepsis, The Right Touch Sue Crow
bullet APIC Curriculum Volume I
bullet APIC Curriculum Volume II
bullet APIC Curriculum Volume II
bullet Chemical Germicides in Health Care, International Symposium; May 1994, Edited by William A. Rutala
bullet Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. Handbook of Infection Control, Farrin A. Manian, MD, MPH, FACP, Editor
bullet Ask APIC APIC Text of Infection Control and Epidemiology, Received July 2000
bullet History of the Plague (Received from Peggy Christ, July 2000)
bullet Infection Control for Long Term Care (2003), Infection Control Tool Kit

Bound Reports:

bulletAPIC Annual Report 1990
bulletStackhouse "Hazards of Smoke and Plume"
bulletStackhouse "Aerosols/Microorganisms"
bulletDouglas County Waste Regulations 1990
bullet1994 Legislative and Regulatory Initiatives - APIC, Inc.
bullet100% Immunization Campaign Resource Material from the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (Received from Ann Lorenzen December 1999).
bullet1999 "Chapter of the Year" application notebook.
bulletYear 2000 "Chapter of Excellence" application notebook.
bulletYear 2000 APIC Chapter #064, Greater Omaha Area "Duties and Responsibilities" of Officers and Board Members.

Books Fiction:

bullet Letting Blood (a Murder Mystery) By
bullet Outbreak By Robin Cook (Presented by Nancy Haberstitch 2/91)
bullet The Drummer was the 1st to Die by Liza Pennywitt Taylor


bullet National Geographic Jan. 1991, Vol.I with article "The Disease Detectives"
bullet APIC News: Fall 1990, Winter 1990
bullet Scientific American Nov. 1992 TB
bullet The Brochure and Pamphlet Notebook Collection, compiled for the Greater Omaha APIC Chapter #064 by Gerri Means from ~1996 through 2000.

Video Tapes:

bullet "Hepatitis C Update: Diagnosis, Epidemiology Natural History & Therapy" -American Liver Foundation with 45 minute video and audio cassette (late1998)
bullet "Sentimental Women Need Not Apply" A History of Nursing
bullet "The HIV-Infected Health Care Worker"
bullet "CDC Tuberculin Skin Testing"
bullet "The Common Thread"
bullet "Diapering and Healthcare" A Research Update
bullet "APIC - 1992"
bullet "PAAC AND APC"
bullet "CDC Epidemiology Satellite Course" with workbook
bullet "Team Development to Support Quality Improvement in Infection Control "; The Joint Commission Tape Library with Notebook, 1994, 45 minutes
bullet Outbreak (The Movie) Donated by Yvonne Hunt
bullet Satellite Programs: Resistant Gram-Positive Infections: Management Issues in the 21st Century. Four hours, video and workbook from satellite presentation. Donated by Ann Lorenzen in 1998.
bullet Biological Warfare and Terrorism The Military and Public Health Response Broadcast September 21-23, 1999 (Received from Ann Lorenzen).
bullet How You Can Assist the Engineering Controls for Tuberculosis in Your Healthcare Facility ("You Don’t Need To Be A Weatherman to Know Which Way the Wind Blows"), Francis J. Curry, National Tuberculosis Center Institutional Consultation Services. (Received from Ann Lorenzen, 9-2-1999)

Audio Tapes

bulletElaine Larsen Lectureship, Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH.
bulletScience to Practice HICPAC/SHEA: Conflicting Guidelines, What is the Standard of Care? Marguerite M. Jackson, RN, PhD, CIC, FAAN; William R. Jarvis, MD; William E. Scheckler, MD.
bullet SARS: Up Close and Personal, Sandra Callery, RN, CIC, MHSc.
bullet Impact of Human Enterprise on Emerging Diseases, Barbara M. Soule, RN, MPA, CIC; Sten H. Vermund MD, PhD
bullet Emergency Preparedness and Pediatric Patients, Karen Lewis, MD.
bullet Infections in the NICU, Mark Rudinsky, MD
bullet Infection-Related Root Cause Analysis: A Primer for ICPs, Denise Murphy, RN, MPH, CIC.
bullet Diseases of the Southwest: Still Here and Still Lethal, Peter Kelly, MD, MPH
bullet Disinfection and Sterilization: Issues and Controversies, William Rutala, PhD, MPH.
bullet CDC Update on the Seven Healthcare Challenges, Denise Cardo, MD
bullet National Pneumonia Project: Vaccinations, Treatments and Standing Orders, Dale Bratzler, DO, MPH.
bullet The Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, Epidemiololgy, and Prevention of Ventilator- Associated Pneumonia, Glen Mayhall, MD.
bullet SOS: The Norwalk Cruise Ship Outbreaks, David Forney, MD.
bullet Calculating the Cost of Infections, Virginia A. Kennedy RN, MS, CIC.
bullet Interventional Radiology: Imaging at the Edge of the 21st Century, Charles Truwit, MD, PhD.
bullet A Mulit-Dimensional Intervention to Improve Hand Hygiene Compliance, Adi Gundlapalli, MD, PhD.
bullet Influenza Pandemic: Will the Past Predict the Future?, William Atkinson, MD, MPH.
bullet Reducing Post-Operative Morbidity & Mortality: The National Surgical Care Improvement Project, Peter Houck, MD.
bullet Hand-Hygiene Lessons Learned: Coffin Nails, Foams, and Gels, Carol A. Kauffman, MD.
bullet Update on Vascular Catheter-Related Infections, Robert J. Sherertz, MD
bullet Making the Leap: Food to Great Infection Control Programs, Teresa Garrison, RN, MSN, CIC, CNLCP.
bullet Disclosure of Adverse Infectious Outcomes, Tammy S. Lundstrom, MD.

Meet the Experts:

bulletIsolation Issues, Marguerite Jackson, RN, PhD, CIC, FAAN.
bulletScopes, Michelle J. Alfa, PhD, FCCM.
bulletPEP/Bloodbourne Pathogens, David K. Henderson, MD.
bulletIV Device-Related Infections, Robert Sheretz, MD.
bulletVentilator-Associated Pneumonia, Glen Mayhall, MD.

Color Copies of Presentation:

bullet Sharps Safety: The California Experience 2000, Enid K. Ecks RN, MPH

Self Study:

bullet CBIC Certification study guide 1994 (Newest until July 1998 comes out) SEE BELOW #3.
bullet CDC Epidemiology (Book & Video) (Donated by Carol Stumpf)
bullet Certification Study Guide
bullet Ready Reference To Select Populations: Neonates and Disinfection


This site has been made possible by ICPA, Inc., makers of the AICE�, QTrendz�, Respond�, and RedBat� software. Ask about using AICE for infection control surveillance including monitoring prophylactic antibiotics, QTrendz for quality control charts, Respond for employee health, and RedBat for syndromic surveillance.

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opyright �2000-2005 Greater Omaha APIC
Updated 03/25/05

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