~ Chapter Library
Members can obtain these
materials by contacting our chapter
Sharon Plummer, Librarian
Infection Control, Children's Hospital (402) 955-3814
402-888-8386 (put Star Eight - * 8 - behind the number to which I
am to call back) Fax (402) 955-3028 E-mail a request:
 | National APIC "Certificate of Chapter" Received
June 2000. |
Year 2000 National APIC Chapter of Excellence Award. |
CD Roms:
 | APIC 2000 27TH Annual Educational
Conference and International Meeting, June 18-20, 2000;
Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota |
 | Draft of the
APIC Text of Infection Control and Epidemiology, Revised 2nd
Edition as of June 2004 |
Books Non-Fiction:
APIC Test of Infection Control
and Epidemiology, Received July, 2000 |
APIC Infection Control and Applied Epidemiology
Principles and Practice,
1996 |
Asepsis, The Right Touch
Sue Crow |
APIC Curriculum Volume
I |
APIC Curriculum Volume
II |
APIC Curriculum Volume
II |
Chemical Germicides in Health
Care, International Symposium;
May 1994, Edited by William A.
Rutala |
Association for Professionals in Infection
Control and Epidemiology, Inc. Handbook of Infection Control,
Farrin A. Manian, MD, MPH, FACP,
Editor |
Text of Infection Control and Epidemiology, Received July
2000 |
History of the Plague (Received from Peggy
Christ, July 2000) |
Infection Control
for Long Term Care (2003), Infection Control Tool Kit |
Bound Reports:
 | APIC Annual Report
1990 |
 | Stackhouse "Hazards of Smoke and Plume" |
 | Stackhouse "Aerosols/Microorganisms" |
 | Douglas County Waste Regulations 1990 |
 | 1994 Legislative and Regulatory Initiatives -
APIC, Inc. |
 | 100% Immunization Campaign Resource Material
from the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (Received
from Ann Lorenzen December 1999). |
 | 1999 "Chapter of the Year" application
notebook. |
 | Year 2000 "Chapter of Excellence" application
notebook. |
 | Year 2000 APIC Chapter #064, Greater Omaha Area
"Duties and Responsibilities" of Officers and Board
Members. |
Books Fiction:
Letting Blood (a
Murder Mystery) By |
Outbreak By Robin
Cook (Presented by Nancy Haberstitch 2/91) |
The Drummer was the 1st to Die by Liza Pennywitt
Taylor |
National Geographic Jan. 1991, Vol.I with article "The Disease
Detectives" |
APIC News: Fall
1990, Winter 1990 |
Scientific American Nov. 1992 TB |
The Brochure
and Pamphlet Notebook Collection, compiled
for the Greater Omaha APIC Chapter #064 by Gerri Means from ~1996 through
2000. |
Video Tapes :
"Hepatitis C
Update: Diagnosis, Epidemiology Natural History & Therapy" -American
Liver Foundation with 45 minute video and audio cassette (late1998) |
Women Need Not Apply" A History of Nursing |
HIV-Infected Health Care Worker" |
Tuberculin Skin
Testing" |
"The Common
Thread" |
"Diapering and
Healthcare" A Research Update |
1992" |
Epidemiology Satellite Course" with workbook |
Development to Support Quality Improvement in Infection Control "; The
Joint Commission Tape Library with Notebook, 1994, 45 minutes |
Outbreak (The Movie)
Donated by Yvonne Hunt |
Programs: Resistant Gram-Positive Infections: Management Issues
in the 21st Century. Four hours, video and workbook from
satellite presentation. Donated by Ann Lorenzen in 1998. |
Warfare and Terrorism The Military and Public Health
Response Broadcast September 21-23, 1999
(Received from Ann Lorenzen). |
How You Can
Assist the Engineering Controls for Tuberculosis in Your Healthcare
Facility ("You Dont Need To Be A
Weatherman to Know Which Way the Wind Blows"), Francis J. Curry, National
Tuberculosis Center Institutional Consultation Services. (Received from
Ann Lorenzen,
9-2-1999) |
Audio Tapes
 | Elaine Larsen Lectureship,
Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH. |
 | Science to Practice HICPAC/SHEA:
Conflicting Guidelines, What is the Standard of Care?
Marguerite M. Jackson, RN, PhD, CIC, FAAN; William R. Jarvis, MD;
William E. Scheckler, MD. |
SARS: Up Close and Personal,
Sandra Callery, RN, CIC, MHSc. |
Impact of Human Enterprise on
Emerging Diseases,
Barbara M. Soule, RN, MPA, CIC; Sten H. Vermund MD, PhD |
Emergency Preparedness and Pediatric Patients,
Karen Lewis, MD. |
Infections in the NICU,
Rudinsky, MD |
Infection-Related Root Cause Analysis: A Primer for ICPs,
Murphy, RN, MPH, CIC. |
Diseases of
the Southwest: Still Here and Still Lethal,
Peter Kelly,
and Sterilization: Issues and Controversies,
Rutala, PhD, MPH. |
CDC Update on
the Seven Healthcare Challenges,
Denise Cardo, MD |
Pneumonia Project: Vaccinations, Treatments and Standing Orders,
Dale Bratzler, DO, MPH. |
The Pathogenesis,
Diagnosis, Epidemiololgy, and Prevention of Ventilator- Associated
Glen Mayhall, MD. |
SOS: The
Norwalk Cruise Ship Outbreaks,
David Forney, MD. |
Calculating the
Cost of Infections,
Virginia A. Kennedy RN, MS, CIC. |
Radiology: Imaging at the Edge of the 21st Century,
Charles Truwit, MD, PhD. |
A Mulit-Dimensional
Intervention to Improve Hand Hygiene Compliance,
Adi Gundlapalli, MD, PhD. |
Influenza Pandemic: Will the Past
Predict the Future?,
William Atkinson, MD, MPH. |
Reducing Post-Operative Morbidity & Mortality: The National Surgical
Care Improvement Project,
Peter Houck, MD. |
Lessons Learned: Coffin Nails, Foams, and Gels,
Carol A. Kauffman, MD. |
Update on Vascular
Catheter-Related Infections,
Robert J. Sherertz, MD |
Making the Leap: Food
to Great Infection Control Programs,
Teresa Garrison, RN, MSN, CIC, CNLCP. |
Disclosure of
Adverse Infectious Outcomes, Tammy S. Lundstrom,
MD. |
Meet the Experts:
 | Isolation Issues,
Marguerite Jackson, RN, PhD, CIC, FAAN. |
 | Scopes, Michelle J. Alfa, PhD,
 | PEP/Bloodbourne Pathogens,
David K. Henderson, MD. |
 | IV Device-Related Infections,
Robert Sheretz, MD. |
 | Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia,
Glen Mayhall, MD. |
Color Copies of Presentation:
Sharps Safety:
The California Experience 2000, Enid K. Ecks RN,
Self Study:
Certification study guide 1994 (Newest until July 1998 comes out) SEE
BELOW #3. |
(Book & Video) (Donated by
Carol Stumpf)
Certification Study
Guide |
Ready Reference To
Select Populations: Neonates and Disinfection |
 | |