Greater Omaha APIC



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The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. (APIC) is a multi-disciplinary, voluntary, international organization. APIC promotes wellness and prevents illness and infection world-wide by advancing health care epidemiology through education, collaboration, research, practice, and credentialing.

APIC's vision is to improve the health of people worldwide by serving as the pre-eminent voice for excellence in the prevention and control of infections and related adverse outcomes.

The Greater Omaha Chapter of APIC has 134 members from western Iowa and eastern to mid-Nebraska.  Monthly meetings enhance educational opportunities and provide opportunities for networking among professionals working in all phases of the healthcare continuum.

Sharing Section

Isolation Presentation from the February 5 meeting

Teri Fitzgerald has shared the Powerpoint and Bibliography

Save the Date!

Save The Date for the Joint GOAPIC/NICN/GPQIN Educational Conference Scheduled for August 27th, 2015 at Lied Lodge in Nebraska City

To share something, please send the attachment to Lori Snyder-Sloan.



since 12/28/06

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