Association for Professionals in Infection Control & Epidemiology

Greater Omaha Chapter

2001 Goals & Objectives

A.  To maintain and enhance the profession of Infection Control

1.  Facilitate APIC membership fliers to other health care settings where an Infection Control Practitioner is anticipated (i.e., long term care facilities, Nebraska Hospital Association membership, home health care agencies)
2.  Continue to organize certification exam review groups (i.e., new certification and re-certification)
3. Involve new members in committee activities.
4. Maintain current (local) membership listing which includes more information than national membership listing.
5. Explore feasibility of "small hospital infection control" seminar.

B. To maintain APIC as an authority and advocate for the profession and practice of infection control.

1. Renew membership with Legislative Group of Nebraska Nursing Organizations (LGNNO)
2. Appoint second person to LGNNO, as representative of APIC.
3. One person attend the Nebraska Nursing Association's "Meet your governmental representatives".
4. Active involvement in community activities to promote influenza immunization.

C. To maintain and increase the viability and effectiveness of APIC as a professional organization.

1. Promote communication with the Health and Human Service System by dedicating one month's networking session for members and HHS to issue current issues.
2. Continue to support national APIC Research Foundation.
3. Revise By-laws to be consistent with National APIC's approved changes.
4. Promote and use Website for internal and external information.

This site has been made possible by ICPA, Inc., leaders in Infection Control and Employee Health  software

Webmaster: Lincoln Webdesign, LLC

Copyright �2000 Greater Omaha APIC
Updated 07/08/01

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