Association for Professionals in Infection Control & Epidemiology

Greater Omaha Chapter

Educational Offerings


Upcoming National Conferences


2005 APIC Year-round programs

print a schedule | program calendar w/maps and agendas


APIC LTC conference at Iowa Western College

on April 1

Speaker : Gail Bennett, ICP Consultant and author
(print a brochure)


Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
June 13-15, 2005 at Creighton University School of Medicine
(print a brochure)


[print committee rosters - pdf]

PROFESSIONAL GROWTH DAY:       Rita WhiteChairman    
LONG TERM CARE CONFERENCE:    Mary Heideman Chairman
BY LAWS COMMITTEE:               Kristi Felix 
Larry Krebsbach 
NURSING LIAISON (LGNNO):         Sandra Vyhlidal
LIBRARIAN/HISTORIAN                   Sharon Plummer

Upcoming National APIC Conferences

June 11-15, 2006 (June 11-13 Exhibits)
Tampa , Florida
Tampa Convention Center

June 17-21, 2007 (June 17-19 Exhibits)
New Orleans , Louisana
Ernest N. Morial Convention Center

June 15-19, 2008 (June 15-18 Exhibits)
Denver , Colorado
Colorado Convention Center

June 7-10, 2009 (June 7-9 Exhibits)
Fort Lauderdale , Flordia
Broward County Convention Center

This site has been made possible by ICPA, Inc., makers of the AICE�, QTrendz�, Respond�, and RedBat� software. Ask about using AICE for infection control surveillance including monitoring prophylactic antibiotics, QTrendz for quality control charts, Respond for employee health, and RedBat for syndromic surveillance.

Copyright �2000-2005 Greater Omaha APIC
Updated 07/20/05

Webmaster: Lincoln Webdesign, LLC

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