1. The Awards Committee is responsible for selection of award recipients and presentation of the awards at the annual meeting in February.� This responsibility includes announcements and reminders to the membership about the availability of the awards, receiving applications and nominations, sending letters to winners and other applicants, purchase of plaques, preparation of certificates, and presentation of the awards.
2. Members of the Awards Committee are responsible for presenting the awards at the annual meeting in February.� The Committee can determine who will be presenting each of the awards.
1. The committee is composed of the members who received the awards the previous year and the Treasurer.
2. The president appoints a chairman from the members of the committee.
1. Before the October meeting complete the attached application/nomination forms with the mailing address of the committee member receiving the applications/nominations.
2. Make copies of the forms for the 3 awards for the membership.� (Forms should be mailed with the meeting minutes to members not present at the meeting.)
3. Chairman - Announce to the membership in the October meeting that applications and nominations are being accepted and are due by December 1.
4. Remind members again in the November meeting.
5. Committee � Select winners by December 15.
1.�������� The President is the tie breaking vote if one is needed in the selection process.
1. The Committee is responsible for purchase of the awards.
2. Submit Expense Report with attached receipts to the Treasurer for reimbursement.
1. The Committee is responsible for presentation of the awards at the annual meeting in February.
1. It is the responsibility of the Awards Committee to keep the Awards Committee notebook current and maintain records of their activities.
2. The notebook should be passed to the president at the completion of the committee�s responsibilities.
3. The president will pass the notebook to the next chairman of the Awards Committee.����
1. To provide an opportunity for members to attend a national conference.
2. To stimulate future involvement in the local and national organization.
1. Any member who meets the criteria for application and did not receive the award in the previous year.
1. Has been a member of the chapter for two years.
2. Has attended 50% of the meetings in the previous 12 months.
3. Has served on a committee, task force or on the board but is not currently an officer who will receive financial support from the chapter to attend the national conference.
4. Describes a financial need.
5. Has had limited opportunities to attend a national conference in the past.
6. Agrees to present their impressions of the conference and a summary of selected edcuational topics to the membership at Professional Growth Day.�
1. Members should submit an application that includes the following:
a. Description of how applicant meets each of the criteria.
b. A letter stating why the applicant deserves the award and their plans for becoming more involved in the local chapter after attending the meeting.
1. Applications are due by December 1.
2. Applicants are rated on a point system.� The applicant with the highest number of points is the winner.
3. The winner is notified by December 15.� (This date was chosen to give the winning member enough time to coordinate the process for attending the conference within their facility.) Sample letter attached.
4. Notify members that did not win by December 15.� Sample letter attached.
1. Award is a check for the amount of early bird registration.
2. Check for early bird registration is made out directly to National APIC and given to the member when he/she is ready to send in registration.� (The check cannot be written directly to the member as this conflicts with opinion of legal counsel of National APIC.)
1. Winning member is formally announced to the membership and awarded a certificate (printed in color or on special paper such as bordered or parchment) acknowledging their honor at the annual meeting in February. Sample certificate is attached.
Member name:_________________________________
_______ 1.����� Member of APIC Greater Omaha for at least 2 years.
(1 point)
_______ 2.����� Attended at least 50% of meetings in the previous 12 months.
_______ 3.����� Served as member of committee, task force or board.
(1 point for each committee, task force, or board)
_______ 4.����� Number of national APIC conferences attended in the past.
0 meetings � 10 points� 4 meetings-6 points������ 8 meetings-2 points
����������� 1 meeting � 9 points����������������� 5 meetings-5 points������ 9 meetings-1 point
2 meetings �8 points���������������� 6 meetings-4 points������ 10 or more meetings-0 points
����������� 3 meetings- 7 points����������������� 7 meetings-3 points������
_______ 5.����� Describes a financial need.
(Score from 0 points �no need to 4 points � much need)
_______ 6.����� Describes why he/she deserves the award.
(Score from 0 points � non-deserving to 4 points � very deserving)
_______ 7.����� Describes plans for becoming more involved in local and national APIC.
����������� 1 point - each Committee or task force (non-elected position)
����������� 2 points - elected office
The member with the highest number of points is the winner of the award.
(Member name)
(city, state)
Dear (name):
The Awards Committee of APIC Greater Omaha has received your application for the Early Bird Registration Scholarship Award for the national conference.� We have a made a selection for this year and we are pleased to announce that you are the recipient of the award.�
Formal announcement to the membership will be at the annual meeting in February.� If you are not able to attend the meeting, please let us know.�
The check for the amount of the early bird registration will be issued by the chapter treasurer and made out to national APIC.� Please let the treasurer know when you are ready to send in your registration so she can give you the check to mail with your registration.
We want to congratulate you for receiving this honor.� We hope that you will find the national conference stimulating and educational.
Awards Committee
APIC Greater Omaha
(Member name)
(city, state)
Dear (name):
The Awards Committee of APIC Greater Omaha has received your application for the Early Bird Registration Scholarship Award for the national conference.� We regret to inform you that you were not selected. Please consider applying for the award again next year.
Awards Committee
APIC Greater Omaha
1. To recognize a member who has demonstrated a long term commitment to APIC, is a current member and is actively involved in the organization.
1.�������� Any current member who has demonstrated a long term commitment to APIC.
1. Members (including Awards Committee members) can nominate other members for the Distinguished Service Award by sending a letter of recommendation to the Awards Committee.
2. Members can nominate themselves for the Distinguished Service Award by sending a letter of recommendation to the Awards Committee.
3. Awards Committee meets and brainstorms possible recipients of the award.
1. Each member of the Awards Committee votes for three from the list of nominees.
2. Votes are tallied and nominees that were selected by each of the members are discussed.
3. The Awards Committee votes for one from the list of nominees that were selected by all members of the Awards Committee.
4. The nominee with the highest number of votes is the winner.
5. In case of a tie the president in the tie breaking vote.
5.�������� The winning member is notified at the annual meeting of the membership in February.����
1.�������� Award is a plaque (value approximately $20.00) purchased at
Center Trophy
5435 Center St.
Omaha, NE 68106
1.�������� The plaque is presented to the winning member at the annual meeting in February.
2. A short narrative is prepared describing the winning member, their accomplishments, and their involvement in APIC Greater Omaha.� The Committee may need to contact other APIC members to get information to prepare the narrative.
3. The recipient is not notified prior to the annual meeting.� (It should be a surprise.)
Added 2000
4.�������� Chairman submits a statement for the National Recognition Award.� (National sends information to the Chapter President with criteria and deadline.� This was done for the first time in 2000 so verify with Board that it is the same in 2001.)
1.�������� To facilitate and recognize creativity in infection control.
1. All members are eligible.
2. There is no restriction on the frequency of application.� Winners in the previous year may apply the following year.
1.�������� Most creative idea that has improved infection control practices at work, in the community or at play.
1. Members should submit a short description of their �bright idea� and submit them to the Awards Committee.� Attachments of handouts, pictures, etc. are acceptable.
2. Applicants should be prepared to present a brief description of their �bright idea� at a future APIC meeting.
1. Each member of the Awards Committee reviews the applications and votes for 3.
2. Votes are tallied and nominees that were selected by each of the members are discussed.�
3. The Awards Committee votes for one from the list of nominees that were selected by all members of the Awards Committee.
4. The nominee with the highest number of votes is the winner.
5. In the case of a tie the president is the tie breaking vote.
1. Award is a gold-colored light bulb mounted on a plaque.
a.�������� Purchase the plaque at (value is approximately $20.00)
American Discount Awards
4855 South 137th Street (132 and L-across the street from the Police Station, west; in the middle of the strip mall)
Omaha, NE
b.�������� Purchase the gold colored light bulb at (value is approximately $3.00)
United Electrical Supply
4532 South 132 Street (corner of 132nd and L in the strip mall)
Omaha, NE
2. Runner-Up awards are given to all members that applied for the Bright Idea Award and did not win.
a.�������� Runner-Ups are given a certificate (printed in color or on special paper such as bordered or parchment) acknowledging their accomplishment.� (See sample certificate attached.)
1. Awards are presented at the annual meeting of the membership in February.
2. The recipients are not notified prior to the annual meeting.� (It should be a surprise.)
3.�������� All Bright Ideas applicants will present their �ideas� at a future APIC meeting.� This should be coordinated with the Program Committee Chair.
1. The member is responsible for making a copy of the certificate from CBIC and giving the copy to the chapter treasurer.
2. Application is made within the year following notification from CBIC of the successful passing of the certification exam.
1. All members applying and successfully passing the exam receive the award.
2. The Chapter Treasurer maintains a log of members who have submitted a copy of their certificate.
3. All members who have submitted a copy of their certificate to the Chapter Treasurer in the last year will receive their award at the annual meeting in February.
4. Any changes in the amount of the check is determined by the Board of Directors.
1.�������� A $25.00 check is issued to the member.
1. A letter of acknowledgement and the check is presented to each qualifying member at the annual meeting of the membership in February.
Purpose:�������� To provide an opportunity for members to attend a national conference.
To stimulate future involvement in the local and national organizations.
Eligibility:������ Members are not eligible to receive the award two consecutive years.
Criteria:��������� lBe a member for two years prior to the award.
����������������������� lAttend at least 50% of the meetings in the previous 12 months.
����������������������� lBe a member of a committee, task force, or the board� (Board members receiving financial support from the chapter to attend the national conference are not eligible.)
����������������������� lDescribe a financial need.
����������������������� lAgree to present their impressions and reactions from the national conference at Professional Growth Day.
Application:��� The member must submit an application by December 1 to the Awards Committee.
Award:����������� The winner will receive a check for early bird registration for the national APIC conference made payable to National APIC.� The winner will be notified by December 15th with formal announcement at the annual meeting in February.
Place of Employment:�
Number of years a member of APIC:� ___________________________________________________
Percent of meetings attended in the last 12
Committee/Task Force, and/or Board
Number of National APIC Conferences attended
in the past:�
On another sheet of
paper describe why you deserve this award, your financial need and your plans
for becoming more involved in the APIC Greater Omaha Chapter after you return
from the meeting.
am willing to present my impressions from the conference and a summary of
selected educational topics to the membership at Professional Growth Day.� ���� Signature:� ____________________________________
Send applications to:� Nancy Noda RN MSHP CIC
����������������������� ����� ����� Infection Control
����������������������������������� Alegent Health Midlands Community Hospital
����������������������������������� 11111 South 84th Street
����������������������������������� Papillion, Ne 68046
Purpose:�������� To recognize a member who has demonstrated a long term commitment to APIC and is a current member and actively involved in the organization.
Nomination:��� Members can nominate another member or themselves for this award.
Application:��� Members should submit a letter of recommendation for their nominee to the Awards Committee by December 1.
Award:����������� The winner receives a plaque that is awarded at the annual meeting in February.
Send nominations to:���� Nancy Noda RN MSHP CIC
����������������������������������� Infection Control
����������������������������������� Alegent Health Midlands Community Hospital
����������������������������������� 11111 South 84th Street
����������������������������������� Papillion, NE 68046
Purpose:�������� To facilitate and recognize creativity in infection control.
Eligibility:������ All members are eligible regardless of the number of past submissions or awards.
Criteria:��������� Develop a creative idea (�bright idea�) that has improved infection control practices at work, in the community or at play.
Application:��� The member must submit an application by December 1 to the Awards Committee.� The application includes a short description of the �bright idea.�� Attaching handouts, pictures, etc. is permitted.
Award:����������� The winner receives a plaque with a light bulb that is awarded at the annual meeting in February.� Runner-ups receive a certificate.
Send applications to: ��� Nancy Noda, RN
����������������������������������� Infection Control
����������������������������������� Alegent Health Midlands Community Hospital
����������������������������������� 11111 South 84th Street
����������������������������������� Papillion, Ne 68046