The Nebraska Medical
Center Management Meeting Regarding Pandemic Planning
Trigger Points
- Looking
for trigger points or thresholds in both in the community and in the
hospital(s) for when parts of the pandemic plan need to be activated (ex:
if a case of avian flu is diagnosed in one of the surrounding states, it
triggers one part of the plan; if a case of avian flu is diagnosed in
Omaha, it triggers another part of the plan; once all of the hospitals
reach their normal capacity, it triggers another part of the plan; once
the ED is full, it triggers another part of the plan; once all of our
staffed beds are full, it triggers another part of the plan;...)
- Is
there any coordination with associated hospitals in outlier areas? (Iowa,
Missouri, etc.)
- In
addition to our current supply of ventilators, Anesthesia has said that an
anesthesia machine basically does the same function as a ventilator.� Stop all elective surgeries (that
haven�t started yet) and use those anesthesia machines as ventilators.
Estimation of Persons
Needing Hospitalization in the Omaha Area
- 2,000
in a moderate hospital situation
- 22,000
in a severe hospital situation
- The
Nebraska Medical Center estimates that about 25% of these numbers they
would have to deal with in some capacity
- They
plan on an additional sum of about 500 to come in spread over a 4 week
period of time
- Looking
for a percentage of sick calls from staff on a daily basis
- Again,
looking for an external trigger (DCHD reports, Day care sick kid report,
ED report, Sick kids in schools report, Employee Health visits, lab
testing, etc.) to help determine if there�s anything going around and
about how many people it�s affecting
- A
base line on employee sick calls would be very helpful, but not sure how
to obtain this
Community Triggers
- Looking
for community triggers that tell administration at point a given portion
of the plan needs to be activated � at point X, plan A or level B is
- Who
gets prioritization in a pandemic situation?
- Do
we include family members, and if so, in what situations?
- Will
also need to designate who �critical personnel� are
- Need
to start cross-training/doing alternate job functions for critical
- Do
our vendors have an emergency plan?
- We
need to identify our key vendors and work with them on their contingency
- We
need to train our employees on correct donning and doffing of PPE
- We
need appropriate routine training (work in to annual training)
- We
need just-in-time training (posters and other quick methods of educating)
- We
need to routinely check out stockpiles of emergency supplies
- What
is in our emergency supply?
- Where
is it?
- How
do we access it?
- How
do we inventory it?
- Is
it rotated regularly so we keep our supply fresh?
- How
many N-95 masks are we stockpiling?
- How
about surgical supplies?
- Do
we need more gowns or other linens?
- Check
with other areas such as Medical Materials and Pharmacy to see what they
will need
Altering Standards of
- Again,
at what trigger point do we initiate this?
- When
do we start to triage?�
Immediately?� When we use
all our supplies in the ER?� When
we get through the first unit of items we�ve stockpiled????
- We
must at some point start to center our care based on preserving our
supplies and our personnel.� When
will we start doing this?�
Immediately?� After the
first 24 or 48 hours?
- The
plan must also include a long-term component � how will we continue to
function in this capacity for months at a time?
- If
we can get staff to work form home, how could we communicate with them?
- What
type of web support can we get?
- Can
we get a special telephone line for support?
- Can
get fact sheets from the CDC
- Work
with Marketing to deal with the media
Want Check Lists
- Information
needs to be quick and easy to read, such as a check list
- Need
check lists for:
��������������� -Trigger
��������������� -Security
��������������� -Immunization
- For
The Nebraska Medical Center, our immunization plan must include plans to
������� -Staff
������� -Family
������� -Students