October, 2000

October, 1999

December, 1998

December, 1997



1.������ Be familiar with and follow the Chapter Bylaws.

2.������ Utilize Robert�s Rules of Order. Our chapter has two books, one for the President and one for the President-elect. These should be passed on at the end of the term to the next person in your office.

3.������ Be responsible to the Board of Directors.

4.������ By January 1 of your term in office, make committee assignments (or during first Board meeting of the year, as appropriate). It is suggested that you develop a listing of officers and committee/taskforce/etc. members and chairs. Distribute the listing to the Board and all the members of the organization. You may also want to ask for volunteers for the committees in the December meeting. Review with them the rules on spending chapter funds.

    1. Executive Committee - consists of the president, the president-elect, and one member elected by and from the Board of Directors.
    2. Budget and Finance Committee - consists of the President, President-elect, treasurer, and other members as determined by the Board.
    3. Nominating Committee � appoint a chairperson from the elected members.
    4. Program Committee
      1. Senior Board member is the chair.
      2. Suggest that Junior Board member be a member of the committee as he/she will be chair the following year.
      3. Appoint additional members, as needed.
    1. Program Committee Subcommittees � suggest that you consider the committees for Professional Growth Day, NAHHS Conference, and Long Term Care Conference as subcommittees of the Program Committee making the Program Committee Chair (Senior Board member) responsible for overseeing the activities of all the program and conference activities.
  1. Professional Growth Day � The past-president is the chair. Appoint additional members as needed.
  2. NAHHS Conference � Appoint members and a chair.
  3. Long Term Care Conference - Appoint members and a chair.
    1. Bylaws Committee � The President-elect is the chair. Appoint two members.
    2. Governmental Affairs Representative � Appoint a member.
    3. Nursing Liaison � We have two votes at Nursing Liaison. Members must be nurses. Appoint a one member. The President usually serves as the second member.
    4. Librarian � Appoint a member.
    5. Historian � Appoint a member.
    6. Awards Committee � Consists of the members that won the awards the parevious year and the treasurer. Appoint a chair from the committee members. (This committee cannot be formed until after the awards are announced at the annual meeting in February.)
    7. Special Committees � appoint members and chair as needed. Terminate the Special Committees when the work is accomplished.
  1. By January 1 of your term in office, review and revise the calendar of organization functions. The calendar of organization functions is a listing of functions and due dates that are important to keep the organization running smoothly. The calendar can be reviewed regularly and serve as a reminder to the membership and the Board.
  2. It is suggested that by January 1 of your term in office that you meet with your President-elect and the past president to revise the calendar of organization functions, appoint committees and develop a draft set of goals and objectives. These can be taken to the Board for their approval in the first Board meeting of the year.
  3. Hold regular Board of Directors meetings so that the following may be accomplished:

�������� a.������ Establish chapter goals and objectives.

�������� b.������ Review committee assignments and progress.

�������� c.������ Develop policies by which the chapter will function.

    1. Review the quarterly treasurer�s report at the next Board meeting after the report is due to the National Office. (This provides the Board an opportunity to review the finances of the organization on a regular basis. National APIC expects the president to monitor the financial activities of the organization).
    2. Have Board specify exact date of annual election to be held by December 1st.
    3. Determine annual local chapter dues. (You will receive a letter late summer from National APIC asking for any changes in dues for the next year.)
    4. Approve annual proposed budget by November.
    5. Communicate information from the National APIC as needed.

5.     National APIC will send you "APIC Local Chapter Information" forms for the next year late in the year. Complete and return to national APIC as soon as possible following elections.

6.     Call an annual meeting of the Board of Directors prior to the annual membership meeting that is the first Thursday in February or as requested by the Board of Directors. It is suggested that a combined Board meeting with current Board members and new Board members be held in December.

7.     December and January is the time for the officers and committee chairman to pass on the notebooks that contain all the information about their office/committee and responsibilities. It is suggested that you set up a formal time for doing this or frequently announce it. (Notebooks have been lost and information not passed on in recent years.)

8.     Appoint tellers for counting of ballots at election.

9.     Serve as Ex-Officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.

10.  Conduct all Chapter meetings with preparation and review of the agenda in advance.

11.  Communicate information from National APIC as needed to the membership during the Chapter meetings.

12.  Prepare Board meeting agendas and give to secretary to send out with the minutes.

13.  Review minutes of Chapter and Board meetings prior to Recording Secretary mailing to members.

14.  Assure that the Chapter is being represented at all officer meetings and other meetings at the national APIC conference.

15.  The president receives funding to attend the national APIC conference. The Board determines the amount of funding. The president represents the organization at the national conference and is charged with bringing back information to the chapter. Bringing information back is a requirement of National APIC if an officer receives any financial support from the organization. (The current amount of funding for the president is $1000. In order to receive reimbursement, an expense report with receipts must be given to the treasurer.)

16.  The president-elect, recording secretary, and treasurer also receive funding to attend the national conference. The Board determines the amount of funding. (The current amount for the president-elect is $1000 and for the recording secretary and treasurer the amount is $500 each.)

17.  Prepare with assistance of other officers, the Local Chapter Annual Report at the end of the fiscal year which is January 1 through December 31, for presentation at annual meeting. Remind members to send in awards and honors, committee reports, etc. for the annual report starting in the October or November meeting.

18.  Rotate to the Board of Directors as an ex-officio member for one year after term of office.

19.  Serve as member of Nebraska Infection Control Network organization.

20.  Sign checks in the absence of the treasurer.

21.  Notify Chairman of Nominating Committee of offices to be filled for election.

22.  The Awards Committee notebook should be returned to the president at the completion of the previous year�s committee activities at the annual meeting in February. The president passes the notebook to the chair of the new committee after the appointment is made.

23.  The organization owns three display boards that are kept with the President-elect.

24.  APIC Greater Omaha letterhead was done by a relative of Connie Janicek. All Board members and Committees chairs should have small supplies. The remaining supply is kept by the recording secretary. When the supply is depleted more can be ordered by contacting Connie Janicek.

25.  Before buying anything for APIC, check with treasurer. Non-profit rate for purchases/postage may be available.

26.  Keep the President�s notebook up-to-date and current. Pass the President�s notebook to the incoming president at the end of the term.


1.     Prepare to assume the office of President after a one -year term.

2.     Fill the office of President should that office become vacant, with the title of President-Designee, and subsequently fill the office of President for the regular term as is entitled the President-elect.

3.     Perform such duties as may be delegated by the President.

4.������ Serves as leader for the sharing session held prior to the meeting.

5.������ Serve as a member of the Board of Directors.

6.������ Serve as Parliamentarian and become familiar with Robert�s Rules of Order.

7.������ Become familiar with the organizational structure of the Chapter and National Organization.

8.������ Become familiar with Chapter and National Bylaws.

9.������ Serve as Chairman of the By-laws Committee (computer disc with historical and current content in notebook)

a.������ Review By-laws annually (suggest initiating review in July with final approval by October); check with national office for any proposed changes.

b.������ Submit committee recommendations in By-laws format to Board of Directors for review.

    1. Submit proposed changes to membership at least thirty days prior to voting. This may be done by mail or at a regular meeting
    2. Submit approved changes to the National By-laws Committee for approval according to guidelines provided by National .
    3. Submit copy to Regional By-laws Representative.
    4. Give hard copy of revised By-laws to President, President-elect and Nomination Chairman.
    5. Make three computer disc copies of revised By-laws and give one to Nomination Chairman and Historian; keep one copy for By-laws notebook
    6. Maintain By-laws notebook and transfer to new President-elect.

10.  Facilitate each officer/representative annually review job descriptions (historical and current content on computer disc in notebook). Submit reviewed/revised job descriptions to President. (Suggest starting review in October so final copies available in November/December).

o      Give final copies of all job descriptions to: President, all Board members which includes the Nomination Committee Chairman,

o      Give final copy of job description to each newly elected officer and committee chairman (who have job description)

11.���� Before buying anything for APIC, check with Treasurer. Non-profit rate for purchases/postage may be available. If it is anticipated that you will spend more money than is budgeted for a function, notify the President and Treasurer immediately.

12.  Keep display boards of the organization.


1.������ Acts as chair of Professional Growth Day Committee.

2.������ Perform other duties as requested by President and/or President-elect.

3.     Before buying anything for APIC, check with treasurer. Non-profit rate for purchases/postage may be available.

4.     Maintain and update the Professional Growth Day notebook. Turn over to upcoming Past President.

5.     List and honor retired members at Professional Growth Day.


1.������ Record minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors and of the Chapter, and maintain the original in the designated notebook. Turn over the notebook to incoming secretary.

2.������ In the event of absence, arranges for a substitute to record minutes. The substitute secretary should send the minutes to the secretary for formal transfer.

3.������ Distribute minutes of the Board meetings to all Board members, along with the mailing of general meeting minutes.

4.������ Minutes are approved by the President for review and corrections before the recording secretary sends them out. Then the final minutes and the agenda for the next month are sent to each member. Try to get them out two (2) weeks before each meeting.

5.������ Receive and maintains all committee reports.

6.������ Initiate correspondence as directed by the President.

7.������ Give Historian materials appropriate for APIC chapter archives. (It is suggested that the minutes from the current year and the past 1-2 years are kept by the secretary and other years can be archived.)

8.������ With the mailing of March minutes, notify those who have not renewed their membership that they will no longer be receiving minutes unless they indicate they have paid their local dues. Remove names of those with lapsed memberships from the mailing list. Coordinate this with the Membership Secretary.

9.������ Serve as a member of the Board of Directors.

10.���� Coordinate meeting agenda with Program Chairman and President.

11.���� Send revised membership list and two (2) sets of labels to the Nebraska Association of Hospitals and Health Systems in July or August so they can update their mailing list and send out fliers for the NAHHS convention.

12.���� Before buying anything for APIC, check with treasurer. Non-profit rate for purchases/postage may be available. If it is anticipated that you will spend more money than is budgeted for Postage, Copying or other items, notify the President and Treasurer immediately.


1.������ Prepare list of current members and distribute to members in March.

2.������ Prepare and distribute updated membership list in September.

3.������ Serve as member of Board of Directors.

4.������ Promote growth of membership by seeking new members

5.     Retain September computer printout of National paid member and submit to President to include in annual report and in Chapter archives.

6.������ Notify Recording Secretary of new members on an on-going basis so minutes can be sent. If past members have not rejoined by March membership list, notify Recording Secretary of members� names who are to be contacted regarding their lapsed membership.

7.������ Send membership packets to those who plan to join the local Chapter:

�������� Initial packet

����������������� a.������ Outline of Contents

b.������ Invitation for APIC membership

����������������� c.������ General chapter information

d.������ List of current Greater Omaha Chapter officers

����������������� e.������ Proposed calendar of meetings/events

����������������� f.������ Resource Materials and reference list

      1. Membership/application brochure.

�������� Follow-up packet

����������������� a.������ Request for mailing information

����������������� b.������ Bylaws

����������������� c.������ Greater Omaha Chapter Membership List.

8.������ Provide Nominating Committee Chairman with a list of APIC members eligible for office in March of each year. Those eligible for office are those who are current members of the National Organization and Local Chapter and have been a member for two (2) years prior to assuming office.

9.������ Report at the monthly meetings to include number of current Chapter members, and names and affiliations of prospective new members.

10.���� Provide the Nominating Committee with a list of eligible voters (current Active members) for mailing of ballots.

  1. Before buying anything for APIC, check with treasurer. Non-profit rate for purchases/postage may be available. If it is anticipated that you will spend more money than is budgeted for Postage, Copying or other items, notify the President and Treasurer immediately.
  2. Maintain and update the membership secretary notebook. Turn notebook over to the incoming secretary.
  3. Organize a Member List Form and send to all members in November for completion and inclusion with the March membership list.


1.     Review APIC Chapter Treasurer�s Manual.

2.������ Perform Financial Transactions:

a.������ Deposit all income in checking account. You will receive a monthly computer printout from the bank.

b.������ Pay any bills. (An Expense voucher with attached receipts must be approved by the President or Board of Directors if not on budget or exceeds the budget). The Treasurer must have a receipt before the bill is paid.

    1. Keep budget, bank statements, vouchers, and financial records for 5 years.
    2. Money spent outside of normal business operations (stamps, stationery, bonding fees, chapter fees), must be budgeted by the treasurer and approved by the Board of directors.
    3. Deposit designated money into savings account certificate of deposit (CD). Retain CD in a safe place.
    4. Give a certification award as part of the Awards Committee ceremony to each member who passes the CBIC exam and gives you a copy of his or her certificate. Keep a log of all the certificates received and awards presented. Each year at the annual meeting in February, prepare a $25 check and a congratulatory certificate for the members added to the list in the past year. Money for this award and for purchase of the certification study guides that is budgeted and not used is rolled over into the following year�s certification budget.

3.������ Monthly Meetings:

�������� Prepare and give Treasurer�s Report to include monthly income and expenditures and beginning and ending ������� balance. Give a written report to Recording Secretary for documentation in minutes.

4.������ Financial Reports:

a.������ Each quarter send a completed copy (keep original) of Chapter Treasurer�s Report Package to the appropriate National APIC Representative as directed by the National office. If a financial package (i.e., Quicken or MS Money) is used to record and track finances, submit only its transaction or register report with the Excel Balance Sheet and the Income and Expense Statement to National APIC. This has been approved by national APIC. Also submit a copy of the quarterly report to the chapter Board of Directors.

b.������ Quarterly reports must be mailed by:

�������������������������� First Quarter -- April 30

�������������������������� Second Quarter -- July 31

Third Quarter -- October 31��������

�������� Fourth Quarter -- January 31


c.������ Numbers to include with Financial Reports:

�������� Chapter Number -- 05 NE 01 - 6.29.79 - 064B���

IRS Number -- 042679907

      1. Prepare an annual budget for the next year by evaluating the past year�s budget by September or October. This must be approved by the Board of Directors before submitting to the National APIC Representative as directed by the National office, with the fourth quarter budget (mailed by January 31).

�������� e.������ Present the annual budget proposal for adoption at the January meeting.

5.������ Audits:

�������� �������� Assemble all reports and documentation requested for appropriate audits.

6.������ President�s Plaque:

a.������ Order plaque in November or December for presentation at the annual meeting in February.

b.������ Statement on Plaque: (verify when phoning) "Presented to (name) in appreciation for serving as Chapter President of APIC Greater Omaha (year)."

7.������ Provide member information on available non-profit rates for purchases/postage when performing APIC duties and responsibilities.

8.     Maintain and update Treasurer�s Notebook. Turn it over to the incoming Treasurer as soon as Treasurer�s annual report is finished.

9.     Arrange for signatures of new officers to be put on file at financial institutions. President and Treasurer may sign checks and other financial documents.

10.  Serve as a member of the Awards Committee.



1.������ Assist in directing the business and financial affairs of the organization.

2.������ Serve as a member of the Board of Directors.

3.������ Assist in establishing administrative policies.

4.������ Assist in reviewing committee reports and determining action to be taken.

5.������ Foster growth and development of the organization.

6.������ Serve as Program Chairman.

7.������ Plan and coordinate, along with program committee, educational programs for local Chapter meetings and others as designated by President. Be sure to include the Bright Ideas Award recipient or others in presenting programs.

8.������ Write Thank-you notes to each guest speaker and hosting facility.

9.������ Submit to Chapter members a current educational calendar of the date, site, and topic/speaker for the upcoming year (usually in November).

10.���� Coordinate the application for Continuing Educational hours through the Nebraska Nurses Association or National APIC. One member of the committee must be a BSN to meet requirements for the CEU application.

11.���� Complete paperwork for each program:

�������� a.������ Contact hour certificate

�������� b.������ Attendance record

����������� c.������ Biographical data

�������� d.������ Objectives and outline

�������� e.������ Evaluation forms

    1. Thank-you letters to speakers

12.���� Arrange for monthly location, meeting room, speaker, and directions (map) with the host facility ICP. Communicate information to the Recording Secretary at Least one month prior to the event.

13.���� Collaborate with the Nebraska Infection Control Network (NICN) when scheduling meetings and events.��������������������

14.  Before buying anything for APIC, check with treasurer. Non-profit rate for purchases/postage may be available. If it is anticipated that you will spend more money than is budgeted for Postage, Copying, Programs, or other items, notify the President and Treasurer immediately.

15.  Orient and include Junior Board Member in completing program duties.

16.  Maintain and update program notebook. Turn notebook over to incoming senior board member.


1.������ Serve as a member of the Board of Directors.

2.������ Assist in directing the business and financial affairs of the organization.

3.������ Assist in establishing administrative policies.

4.������ Assist in reviewing committee reports and determining action to be taken.

5.������ Foster growth and development of the organization.

6.������ Serve as a program committee member. Will become Senior Board Member and program Chairman for the second year of office.

7.������ Assist the program chairman as program committee member in duties as described under "Board of Directors at Large, �� Senior Board Member and Program Chair Duties and Responsibilities".

8.������ Before buying anything for APIC, check with treasurer. Non-profit rate for purchases/postage may be available. If it is anticipated that you will spend more money than is budgeted for Postage, Copying Programs, or other items, notify the President and Treasurer immediately.



1.������ Prepare a list of current educational books, videos, pamphlets, etc. held in the APIC library yearly. ���

2.������ Hold, maintain and distribute materials to APIC members in an organized and timely manner.

3.������ Assist in the selection of educational resources to be purchased and maintained in the library. Final selection will be voted on by the Board of Directors and purchase will be arranged by the librarian.

4.������ Receive, distribute, and maintain file of Nebraska Infection Control Network (NICN) newsletter.

5.������ Before buying anything for APIC, check with treasurer. Non-profit rate for purchases/postage may be available. If it is anticipated that you will spend more money than is budgeted for library or other items, notify the President and Treasurer immediately.

3.     Keep a disposable camera and obtain pictures for chapter records.


1.������ Hold, maintain, and organize historical APIC information, both National and Chapter, as necessary.

2.������ Present pertinent historical information at each APIC Chapter meeting.

3.������ Assist in doing profiles of Greater Omaha Area Chapter APIC members as requested for special events.

4.������ Before buying anything for APIC, check with treasurer. Non-profit rate for purchases/postage may be available. If it is anticipated that you will spend more money than is budgeted for the Historian, notify the President and Treasurer immediately.
























1.������ The Nominating Committee Chairman is appointed by President.��

2.������ The committee prepares a resume of each nominee and submits it with the ballot approximately 30 days prior to election. These are usually mailed in September or October depending on the date of the election. Only Active members of the Chapter may vote.

Chairman duties include:

1.������ Acquire list from the President of offices to be filled. For election in even years and service in odd years, the offices usually are: President-elect, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Junior Board Member, and Nominating Committee. For election in odd years and service in even years, the offices usually are: President-elect, Recording Secretary, Membership Secretary, Junior Board Member, and Nominating Committee.

2.������ Acquire list of eligible APIC members from Membership Chairman. (See Bylaws, Article VIII, Section 4). President-elect should serve at least one year as a member of the APIC Board of Directors prior to assuming the office of President-elect.

3.������ Acquire current "Duties and Responsibilities" from President-elect (reviewed/updated annually).

4.������ Announce open offices at general meeting no later than the July meeting. Contact eligible members for open offices. Send a copy of the appropriate job description to members interested in running for those open offices.

5.������ Set deadline dates for:

�������� a.������ Candidate selection for each office (usually early August)

b.������ Consent and job responsibilities to be mailed and returned (usually end of August)

�������� c.������ Presentation of slate to APIC Board (usually prior to September meeting)

�������� d.������ Presentation of slate to APIC members (usually September meeting)

�������� e.������ Resume and ballot typing

f.������ Mailing (approximately 30 days prior to elections -- First of September approximately)

    1. Ballot counting (set by the Board and must be by done December 1)

6.������ Obtain current (annually reviewed) job descriptions from President-elect. Send job responsibilities, consent to serve form, and resume request forms to candidates. Send both the President and President-elect job descriptions to the candidate for President-elect, as it is a three-year commitment. Send the Senior and Junior Board Member job description to the candidate for Junior Board Member.

Ballots are sent only to eligible, voting members (Active members). This does not include Associate or Retired members. Remember, if you get mailing labels from the Recording Secretary, they need to be cross-referenced to the list of eligible voters.

7.������ Ballot mailing should include:

a.������ Envelope addressed to a Nominating Committee member

�������� b.������ Resume

    1. Ballot � ballot should be returned in an envelope that includes the return address of the member voting on the outside envelope. This is so the vote can be validated as coming from an APIC member. Put the members� return address on the outside envelope. The inside envelope should be blank except for the word "Ballot" on it.
  1. Collect return ballot envelopes unopened. Hold for election meeting.
  2. Tellers will be appointed by the President to count the ballots.

9.������ Destroy the ballots at the direction of the President at the conclusion of the election.

10.���� Notify the candidates of the election results via letter in conjunction with the President.

  1. Before buying anything for APIC, check with treasurer. Non-profit rate for purchases/postage may be available. If it is anticipated that you will spend more money than is budgeted for Nominating Committee, notify the President and Treasurer immediately.
  2. Chair should maintain and update the Nominating Committee notebook. Turn it over to the upcoming committee chair.



A.����� Chair should maintain and update the LTC Committee notebook. Turn it over to the President when duties are finished. It will be given to next chair when appointed.

B.������ Before buying or mailing anything for APIC, check with treasurer. Non-profit rates for purchases/postage may be available. If it is anticipated that you will spend more money than is budgeted for the conference, notify the President and Treasurer immediately.


1.������ Select date and coordinate with IWCC, Cheryl Downing, 325-3265.

April to August

1.������ Committee meetings to review evaluations, recommendations, topics.

2.������ Select chair and team duties (exhibits).

3.������ Decide on topics, speakers, agenda, and objectives.

4.������ Call candidates for speakers/topics.


1.������ Finalize program at Meeting:

2.������ Select persons to do introductions, lights, and facilitate AV s

3.������ Assist Exhibit Chair with names, addresses, phone number of vendors. Exhibit chair will supervise form letter and mailing list.


1.������ Send completed program to Cheryl Downing, 325-3265, at IWCC for publication in IWCC Spring catalogue of programs.


1.������ IWCC compiles the conference flyer.


  1. Distribute conference flyer at December meeting.
  2. Give APIC members 3 each and ask them to publicize the program. Send out copies with the minutes.
  3. Give a copy of brochure to exhibit chair, who will mail copies to the vendors (letter, registration, flyer).
  4. Transfer notebook to President or to the new chairperson if appointed.


  1. Meet to finalize plans.
  2. Meet with any panel or joint presenters to organize program and prepare handout.
  3. Alert APIC Membership chair that a table will be available for information. (Make sure extra table is ordered).
  4. Alert APIC Patient Education Chair that a table will be available for the three Patient Education Manuals. Order extra table.
  5. Get speaker ribbons and committee ribbons.


  1. Handouts should be received by two weeks prior to program for duplication. LTC Committee may need to call presenters to facilitate getting a handout � must have one for each presenter.
  2. Call IWCC with the total number of exhibit tables needed.
  3. Select lunch menu with Cheryl Downing (remember Lent /Fridays)
  4. Have name tags for committee and speakers. Be sure to include ribbons.

Day of Conference

  1. Committee arrives early to assist.
  2. Help as needed/directed by IWCC staff.
  3. Exhibit chair will assist company representatives.
  4. Help with registration table.
  5. Reserve seats in auditorium for speakers and committee.
  6. Assign someone to handle the lights.
  7. Assign someone to assist with AV s
  8. Committee members should be available for problem-solving and assistance to others as needed.

Moderator(s) Duties

  1. Begin program on time.
  2. Stop speakers on time.
  3. Breaks and lunch on time.
  4. Resume program on time. Do not let program bog down and allow one speaker to eliminate time of other speakers.
  5. Have written introduction for each speaker, use vitae they sent to IWCC.
  6. Some time during program introduce committee and APIC officers.
  7. Cheryl Downing of IWCC will need time at podium. Coordinate with her before the conference.
  8. Post signs for the APIC meeting, District D meeting, and reserved signs for speakers.


General Reminders

  1. Chair should maintain and update the NAHHS Committee notebook. Turn it over to the President when duties are finished. It will be given to the next chair when appointed.
  2. Know what budget you have before you start. Non-profit rates for purchases/postage may be available. It if is anticipated that you will spend more money than is budgeted for the conference, notify the President and Treasurer.
  3. Delegate...delegate...delegate to your committee members!

Sequence of Events


  1. President appoints committee and selects chairperson.
  2. Obtain dates for following year conference from NAHHS (402-476-0141).
  3. Give NAHHS our contact person�s name and address (usually the chairperson).


  1. Select date for APIC session (usually the Thursday).
  2. Assess topics for the program and potential speakers.
  3. Contact sponsors to get donations to pay for speakers. Sometimes they even have good suggestions for speakers. 3M, ECO Lab and Kimberly Clark have been involved in the past.


  1. Begin contacting potential speakers to book presentations. Once they have accepted, ask them for CV and outlines for their presentation. This will make the continuing education application process much easier.
  2. Mail out confirmation letters to speakers.


  1. Begin the flyer design process. Send a finalized copy to the NAHHS contact person for review before distribution.
  2. Call NAHHS and request tables in the conference room for sponsors.
  3. You will also receive a form from NAHHS on which you indicate the expected number of participants and can order any audio-visual equipment. Estimate attendance based on previous year.


  1. Take flyer to August APIC chapter meeting and submit to recording secretary to have it included in the minutes. Ask members to promote the program and distribute the flyer. Send flyers to the Western Nebraska APIC members and any other groups you can think of. Send some flyers to sponsors to distribute.
  2. Have the Continuing Education Credit application process complete and mailed in by the end of August. NNA seems to have an easier process than APIC based on past experience.


  1. Send a letter to speakers with a copy of flyer. Ask for their audio-visual needs if you don�t already know. Include a self-addressed envelope for them to return their session handouts.
  2. Begin to assemble the program folders: Include an agenda (with an acknowledgement to sponsors), speaker�s handouts and extra note paper and session evaluations.


  1. Finalize program folders
  2. Call NAHHS to get a final head count of participants
  3. Write introductory remarks for each speaker
  4. Day of Program:


  1. Summarize evaluations, suggested topics and speakers for the next year.
  2. Write thank-you letters and pay any fees.


1.������ Transfer NAHHS notebook to next chairperson.


The Past-President (and a committee appointed by the President) is responsible for scheduling and coordinating the annual Professional Growth Day. It is usually held the second Friday of July after the International APIC Education Conference. Verify dates with the Program Chair/Senior Board Member.

  1. Confirm reservations at Chalco Hills for planned date for the current year approximately 3 months prior.
  2. Check with the Treasurer to verify the budgeted amount of money for current year�s PGD. Try to stay within your budget for the program.
  3. Meet with PGD Committee to plan the program and assign responsibilities for breakfast, lunch, and door prizes. Have additional meetings as needed.


  1. Two months before the conference obtain a listing of the members attending the National Conference from the president. Have members that are attending the conference sign up for conference topics that they are willing to present at PGD. Any members that receive funds from the organization to attend the conference must be present.
  2. Usually there is one additional educational (infection control related) speaker and one personal growth or related topic speaker, in addition to the reports from the National Convention.
  3. Remember to apply for CEU�s 3 or more months prior to the date. Check with the Program Chair/Senior Board Member for guidance.
  4. Remember that a flyer needs to be developed (date, time, and location with an agenda and speakers) and distributed to the membership at a meeting and in a mailing at least one and preferably two � three months prior to PGD.
  5. There is a TV and VCR, overhead projector, slide projector and screen available at Chalco Hills.


  1. The organization provides the food for the day. Food is coordinated by the PGD Committee.
  2. Provide breakfast (juice, coffee, and rolls/muffins/bagels or the like). Remember paper supplies (napkins, plates, silverware, cups).
  3. Arrange for a catered lunch by a caterer of your choice. Be sure paper products are provided by the caterer or the committee needs to provide.
  4. Provide drinks of your choice (pop, iced tea, etc.) ice, and paper cups (if needed).
  5. Announcements and flyers need to be distributed to the membership at least one month and preferably more prior to PGD. Members need to call in reservations so a number for lunch can be given to the caterer. (Remind members that we have to pay for the lunches if they make reservations and don�t show. In 2000, we had 8 people who didn�t show. It also leaves us with a lot of leftover food.)


  1. Members attending convention are asked to bring extras of product samples or tokens or other stuff from the vendors.
  2. Usually about $50.00 is available to buy Door Prizes. (There are APIC products available for purchase at the convention. Please have someone that is going to the convention do this if that is the decision.)
  3. Have everyone throw their name into the hat when they arrive and do the drawings for the various items at one or several times during the day.


  1. Turn in expense reports with receipts to the Treasurer for reimbursement of any items that committee members paid themselves.
  2. Attendance on the average runs about 30-40 people.
  3. Remember to make reservations at Chalco Hills for the following year. This can usually be done around November but check with the person at Chalco Hills for exact time. Before making reservations, check with the Program Chair/Senior Board Member to verify the date of PGD the following year.
  4. Make recommendations to the Treasurer and the Board for the budget for the next year based on the current year�s expenses.
  5. Update the notebook with the pertinent information and pass it to the retiring President when the duties are complete.


Chapter Governmental Affairs Representative

1.    Primary Functions and Responsibilities

a.    Interact with legislative/regulatory bodies (e.g. state legislators, state and local health departments, area health care councils, school districts, etc.). Facilitate individual membership response to infection control issues to appropriate government representatives.

b.    Communicate information on legislative/regulatory issues to membership, and Governmental Affairs Committee (GAC) Regional APIC representative

c.    Communicate recommendations related to legislative issues from GAC to membership

d.    Seek input from chapter members for issues that need to be addressed

e.    Chair and coordinate a task force, when needed

f.     Maintain and update GAC notebook. Transfer updated notebook to incoming GAC representative

g.    Prepare and maintain balanced annual committee budget to treasurer. If one anticipates spending more money than is budgeted, notify the President and Treasurer immediately.

1.    Specific Responsibilities

a.    Local/state: Liaison Group of Nebraska Nurses Organizations (LGNNO)

1.    attend LGNNO meetings (quarterly: alternating Omaha and Lincoln sites); facilitate President appointing second person from APIC to attend meetings; renewable position (LGNNO allows two voting representatives).

2.    prepare APIC handout (use APIC logo) for each LGNNO meeting indicating current activities, esp. legislative issues

3.    facilitate payment of annual LGNNO membership dues (by Nov.)

4.    present current state legislative bill tracking information from LGNNO meetings (copies of hand-out from LGNNO meeting)

5.    facilitate timely individual member�s response related to infection control practice to appropriate legislators, when appropriate

6.    stress that your comments at meetings are those of an individual ICP and NOT those of an official representative of APIC

7.    offer to facilitate an APIC member to attend other organizations� meeting to educate/explain infection control practices and issues

a.    Regional: GAC representative of APIC

1.    inform representative of local and state issues related to infection control practices

2.    communicate with membership national information shared by GAC

3.    facilitate timely individual membership responses related to infection control practice to appropriate federal government representative, when appropriate

a.    National: APIC

1.    be familiar with and supportive of APIC�s national goals

2.    attend/delegate APIC�s national education conference GAC meetings