2003 Greater Omaha APIC Membership Roster
LastName Name Position_JobTitle Employer EmpAdd1 EmpCityStateZip WorkPhone Email
A.P.I.C. APIC National Office   APIC 1275 K Street NW, Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20005-4006 (202) 789-1890 APICinfo@apic.org
Apfel Mary Ann Apfel, RN, CIC Infection Control Coordinator St. Francis Medical Center Box 9804 Grand Island, NE 68802 (308) 398-5596 mapfel@sfmc-gi.org
Auxier Mary Auxier, RN, BSN, CIC Inf Cont Nurse, QA Coordinator, ADON Nemaha County Good Samaritan Center Rt 1, Box 4 Auburn, NE 68305 (402) 274-4954 gss4850@good-sam.com
Babel Sharon Babel, RNC, BSN Infection Control/Inservice Coordinator Papillion Manor 610 South Polk Street Papillion, NE 68046 (402) 339-7700 skb@ne.uswest.net
Baldwin Barbara Baldwin, MT(ASCP) Med Tech Thayer County Health Services 120 Park Avenue Hebron, NE 68370 (402) 768-4618  
Beitenman Nancy Beitenman, RN, BSN, CIC Risk Management Specialist Alegent Health Immanuel Bergan�� 6901 North 72nd Street Omaha, NE 68122 (402) 572-3442 nbeitenm@alegent.org
Bistline Eleanor K. Bistline Infection Control Coordinator Visiting Nurses Association 1941 So. 42nd StreetSuite 225 Omaha, NE 68105 (402) 930-4126  
Bollinger Mary Bollinger RN, MS         (402) 346-8800  
Bollinger Mary Bollinger RN,MS         (402) 346-8800  
Bower Pamelia K. Bower, RN, BSN Asst DON, Inf Cont/Emp Health Nurse Brodstone Memorial Hospital 520 East 10th Street Superior, NE 68978 (402) 897-4432 bower@navix.net
Burnham Rosemarie Burnham, RN, BS Director of Nursing Maple Crest Center 2824 N. 66th Avenue Omaha, NE 68104 (402) 551-2110 rburnham@abhomes.org
Christ Peggy Christ, RN, ET Nurse Epidemiologist/Enterostomal Ther Infection Control/ET Services 2341 South 35th Street Omaha, NE 68105 (402) 345-4912  
Clemons Carol A. ClemonsADN, RN     5106 N. 2nd St Omaha, NE68110-1220 (402) 345-1470  
Craig Rita Craig, RN, BSN   Nebraska Health Systems 984031 Nebraska Medical Center Omaha, NE 68198-4031 (402) 559-7128 rcraig@nhsnet.org
DeRoos Kathleen DeRoos, RN, MSN, FNP Infection Control Practitioner Veterans Affairs Medical Center 4101 Woolworth Avenue Omaha, NE 68105 (402) 346-8800 deroos.kathleen@omaha.va.gov
Dufualt Sherry Dufault, BA, RN   Father Flanagan's Boy Hone YC-Bldg. 13603 Flanagan Blvd. Boys Town, NE 68010 (402) 498-1914 dufaults@boystown.org
Felix Kristina Felix, RN   Madonna Rehab Hospital 5401 South Street Lincoln, NE 68506-2150 (402) 483-9832 kfelix@madonna.org
Fiala Lorene A. FialaRN, MSE   Norfolk Regional Center 1700 North Victory Road, Bldg 16 Norfolk NE,68702-1209 (402) 370-4333  
Fitzgerald Teri Fitzgerald Rn, BSN Infection Control Specialist Nebraska Health System 984031 Nebraska Medical Center Omaha NE, 68198-4031 (402) 559-7378 tfitzgerald@nhsnet.org
Fusco Marie Fusco, RN   Annie Jeffrey Cty Mem Hospital 531 Beebe Street Osceola, NE 68651   aj70906altel.net
Greenwalt Kris Greenwalt, RN, CIC Quality Mgt/Infection Control Nurse VA Nebr-Western Iowa Healthcare System 2201 North Broadwill Grand Island, NE 68803 (308) 382-3660 kristine.greenwalt@med.va.gov
Grzywa Michael Grzywa         (800) 526-4455  
Haberstich Nancy Haberstich, RN, CIC Clinical Specialist-Consultant Self employed - Contract with CR Bard 8195 Industrial Blvd Covington, GA (800) 526-4455 trustgod813@aol.com
Hansen, S Stephanie Hansen, RN Risk Manager/IC/EH WorkComp Coor St. Mary's Hospital 1314 3rd Avenue Nebraska City, NE 68410 (402) 873-3321 sdhansen@stez.org
Havelet Cindy Havelet, RN, CIC ADON Warren Memorial Hospital 905 2nd St. Friend, NE 68359 (402) 947-2571 cindystein@yahoo.com
Heideman Mary L. Heidemann, MT(ASCP) Infection Control Coordinator Jefferson Community Health Center Box 277 Fairbury, NE 68352 (402) 729-3351 maryheidemann@hotmail.com
Helget Virginia Helget, RN, MSN, CIC Infection Control Specialist University of Nebraska Medical Center 985400 Nebraska Medical Center Omaha, NE 68198-4031 (402) 552-2360 vhelget@unmc.edu
Hering Karl Hering RN, BA, (N)   Douglas County Health Center        
Hickman Jeanie Hickman, RN, BSN Infection Control Practitioner Plattsmouth Manor 602 South 18th Street Plattsmouth, NE 68048 (402) 296-2800  
Hillier Kathleen Hillier, RN   Providence Medical Center 1200 Providence Road Wayne NE, 68787-1212 (402) 375-3800  
Hoogestraat Laura Hoogestraat, RN Infection Control Coordinator Faith Regional Health Services 2700 Norfolk Avenue Norfolk, NE 68701 (402) 371-4880 lhooges@frhs.org
Horning Linda Horning, RN, CIC            
Hult Joan Hult, RN, BSN   Norfolk Veteren's Home 600 E. Benjamin Ave Norfolk, NE68701 (402) 370-3109  
Hyde Connie Hyde, RN, BSN, CIC Infection Control/Employee Health Mary Lanning Hospital 715 N Street Joseph Hastings, NE 68901 (402) 461-5166  
Janicek Connie Janicek, RN Infection Control Coordinator Butler County Health Care Center 372 South 9th Street David City, NE 68632 (402) 367-3115 jconniej@web-unwired.net
John Pamela John RN   Nemeha County Hospital     (402) 274-4366  
Jourdan Dawn Jourdan RN, BSN Infeciton Control Specialist Nebraska Health System 984031 Nebraska Medical Center Omaha NE, 68198-4031 (402) 552-3409 kjourdan@nhsnet.org
Jundt Alisha Jundt, RN   Ambassador of Omaha 1540 North 72nd Street Omaha, NE 68114-1924 (402) 393-6500  
Kaufmann Peggy Kaufmann, RN ADON Heritage of David City 260 So 10th Street David City, NE�� 68632 (402) 367-3144  
Kavan Jane Kavan BSN            
Kemper Irene Kemper, RN, CNOR, BSN Infection Control Coordinator St. Elizabeth Regional Medical Center 555 South 70th Street Lincoln, NE 68510 (402) 219-7333 ikemper@stez.org
Keuchel Jan KeuchelRN, BSN, MPA Infection Control Specialist          
Kirby Mary E. Kirby, RN, BSN, CIC Infection Control Practitioner Nebraska Methodist Hospital 8303 Dodge Street Omaha, NE 68114 (402) 354-4690 mkirby@nmhs.org
Kocanda Bernie Kocanda, RN, CIC, CSPDS Clinical Specialist CR Bard 5208 Y Street Omaha, NE 68117 (800) 526-4455 bernice.kocanda@crbard.com
Krebsbach Larry Krebsbach, REHS, CIC Epidemiology Bryan LGH Medical Center East 1600 South 48th Street Lincoln, NE 68506 (402) 481-8945 lkrebsbach@bryanLGH.org
Krohn Bonita Krohn, APRN, NP   Alegent Immanuel Fontanelle Home 6901 N 72nd Street Omaha, NE68114-4108 (402) 572-2974 bkrohn@alegent.org
Kubik Denise Kubik            
Larsen Colleen Larsen, RN, BSN, CIC Infection Control Specialist BryanLGH Medical Center West 2300 South 16th Lincoln, NE68502-3780 (402) 481-5614 colleen.larsen@bryanlgh.org
Lorenzen Ann Lorenzen, RN, MSN, CIC Infection Control Specialist Saint Joseph Hospital 601 North 30th Street Omaha, NE 68131 (402) 449-4779 ann.lorenzen@tenethealth.com
Luebbert Peggy Luebbert, MS, MT(ASCP), CIC Alegent System Leader, Infection Control and Epidemiology Alegent Health-Bergan Mercy 7500 Mercy Road Omaha, NE 68124 (402) 398-6034 pluebber@alegent.org
Marion Nedra D. Marion, RN, BSN, MPA, CIC Manager, Healthcare Epidemiology Nebraska Health System 984031 Nebraska Medical Center Omaha, NE 68198-4031 (402) 559-7968 nmarion@nhsnet.org
Maronde Adene Maronde,RNC   Midwest Covenant Home 615 E. 9th St Stromsburg NE, 68666 (402) 764-2711 2billk@navix.net
Mayhugh Dwight Mayhugh            
McGovern Emilie McGovern, RN, BSN, CIC Infection Control Coordinator St. Frances Medical Center 2620 W Faidley Avenue, Box 9804 Grand Island, NE 69902-9804 (308) 398-5596 emcgover@sfmc-gi.org
Means Gerri Means, RN, CIC Infection Control/Safety Practitioner Fremont Area Medical Center 450 East 23rd Street Fremont, NE 68025 (402) 727-3713 gmeans@famc.org
Medcalf Sharon Meaker-Medcalf, RN, BA, M.Ed Associate Director Nebraska Center for Bioterrorism Education University of Nebraska Medical Center985400 Nebraska Medical Center Omaha, NE 68198-5400 (402) 552-2529 smedcalf@unmc.edu
Meyer Marsha A. Meyer, RN, CIC Epidemiology/Infection Control Specialist Regional West Medical Center 4021 Avenue B Scottsbluff, NE69361 (308) 630-1105 meyerm@rwmc.net
Miller Sue Miller, RN, BSN, CCM Infection Control Practitioner Nebaska Methodist Hospital 8303 Dodge Street Omaha, NE 68114` (402) 354-8618 smiller@nmhs.org
Morin Richard Morin, MD Vice President, Medical Affairs Bryan LGH Medical Center 1500 South 48th, Ste 506 Lincoln, NE 68506 (402) 489-1110 rmorin@bryanlgh.org
Moser Christina Moser            
Nerud Jeanette Nerud, RN Infection Control Coordinator Crete Municipal Hospital Box 220 Crete, NE 68333 (402) 826-6800 jeanette_nerud@hotmail.com
Newlon Christine Newlon, RN, BSN Administrator, Communicable Diseases NE HHS Regulation & Licensure Box 95007 Lincoln, NE68509-5007 (402) 471-2937 christine.newlon@hhss.state.ne.us
Noda Nancy Noda, RN, MSHP, CIC Operations Director of Customer Resources Alegent Health Midlands Hospital 11111 South 84th Street Papillion, NE 68046 (402) 593-3280 nnoda@alegent.org
Oczki Vincent Oczki, RN, CIC Risk Management Specialist Alegent Health Immanuel Med Center 6901 North 72nd Street Omaha, NE 68122 (402) 572-2071  
Pearson Don Pearson, MT(ASCP) Medl Tech/Infection Control Coord Pender Community Hospital Box 100, 603 Earl Street Pender, NE 68047 (402) 385-4000 pearsond@trinity-health.org
Plummer Sharon Plummer, RN, BS, CIC Infection Control Practitioner Children's Hospital 8200 Dodge Street Omaha, NE 68114 (402) 955-3814 splummer@chsomaha.org
Reichel Deb Reichel, RN Clin Coor/CQI Co-Coor/IC Chairman Dialysis Center of Lincoln 7910 O Street Lincoln, NE 68510-2500 (402) 489-5339 dreichel@dialysisnebraska.org
Ricenbaw Patricia Ricenbaw, LPN   Warren Memorial Hospital/LTC 905 2nd Street Friend, NE 68359 (402) 947-2571  
Roberts Sylvia Roberts, RN Infection Control Practitioner Nebraska Methodist Hospital 8303 Dodge Street Omaha, NE 68114 (402) 354-8714 sroberts@nmhs.org
Roberts Margaret Roberts, Rn, BS, CPHQ Quality Manager Select Specialty Hospital 11111 South 84th St Papillion, NE 68046 (402) 898-2798 MERoberts@selectmedicalcorp.com
Roemhildt Julie Roemhildt, MSHCH, BSN Corporate Compliance Director Boystown National Research Hospital 555 North 30th Street Omaha, NE 68131 (402) 498-6515 roemhildt@boystown.org
Rupp Mark E. Rupp, MD Assoc Professor & Hospital Epidemiologist University of Nebraska Medical Center 984031 Nebraska Medical Center Omaha, NE 68198-4031 (402) 559-5276 merupp@unmc.edu
Rusnak Patricia G. Rusnak, RN Director of Nursing Life Care Center of Elkhorn 315 Hopper Street Elkhorn, NE 68022 (402) 289-2572 jruzk@aol.com
Scheidt Carol Scheidt, RN   Eastmont Towers 6315 O Street Lincoln, NE 68510    
Schlismann Carol Schlismann            
Schneider Marie Schneider, RN Quality Manager Cardiac Center of Creighton University 3006 Webster Street Omaha, NE 68131 (402) 280-5255 maschne@cardiac.creighton.edu
Shanholtz Bernadette Shanholtz, RN, BSN Staff Nurse, QA, Infection Control Duffs Friendship Villa 1104 3rd Avenue Nebraska City, NE 68410 (402) 873-3400  
Sholtz Lee Sholtz RN, BSN Nurse Epidemiologist Jennie Edmundson Hospital 933 East Pierce Council Bluffs, IA�� 51503 (712) 328-6255 lsholtz@nmhs.org
Snyder Rogene Snyder BA/CLS            
Snyder Lori Snyder, RN, BSN, MA, CIC Infection Control Coordinator St. Elizabeth Regional Medical Center 555 South 70th Street Lincoln, NE 68510 (402) 219-7333 lsnyder@stez.org
Spenner Karen Spenner, RN, CIC Infection Control/Employee Health Nurse St. Francis Memorial Hospital 430 North Monitor Street West Point, NE 68788 (402) 372-2404 kspenner@fcswp.org
Temme Jeanne Temme RN            
Timmons Tim Timmons, RN, BSN Communicable Disease Program Supervisor Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Dept 3140 N Street Lincoln, NE 68510 (402) 441-8056 ttimmons@ci.lincoln.ne.us
Tisdale Sharon Tisdale RN, BSN, CIC            
Ueda Judith Ueda, BSN, MPH Infection Control Nurse Alegent Mercy Care Center 1870 South 75th Street Omaha, NE 68124 (402) 343-8539 jueda423@aol.com
Vondra Dawn M. Vondra, RN, BSN BD Infusion/Injection Specialist BD     (800) 219-7174 dawn_vondra@bd.com
Vyhlidal Sandra Vyhlidal, RN, MSN, CIC Epidemiology Coordinator Nebraska Methodist Hospital 8303 Dodge Street Omaha, NE 68114 (402) 354-4527 svyhlid@nmhs.org
Walenta Marlene Walenta, RNC ADON Lancaster Manor 1001 South Street Lincoln, NE 68501 (402) 441-7101  
Walsh Cookie Walsh, RN, BS   Columbus Community Hospital Box 819 Columbus, NE 68602-0819 (402) 563-9625 cookie_walsh@hotmail.com
Wecker Valerie Wecker, RN, BSN Inf Cont Nurse, Dir of Education/Orientation Avera St. Anthony's Hospital 2nd & Adams Street O'Neill, NE 68763 (402) 336-2611 valerie.wecker@avera-sta.org
Westadt Shawn Westadt, RN, CIC Coordinator of Quality Programs Anna Sundermann Homes 446 Pinewood Avenue Seward, NE 68434 (402) 643-2902 swestadt@yahoo.com
White Rita White, MA, CIC Infection Control Practitioner Methodist Health System 8303 Dodge Street Omaha, NE 68114 (402) 354-3849 rwhite@nmhs.org
Whitehead Kay F. Whitehead, RN Asst DON Exira Care Center 409 S. Carthage Exira, IA 50076 (712) 268-5393  
Wiley Ronald Wiley   Omaha Fire Department 1516 Jackson Street Omaha, NE 68102-3110 (402) 444-3340 rwiley@ci.omaha.ne.us
Wischmeier Rosemary Wischmeier, RN, CIC Infection Control/Employee Health Coor Beatrice Community Hospital Box 278 Beatrice, NE 68310 (402) 223-7329 rwischmeier@bchhc.org
Young Kathryn Young, BS, LPNC   Community Medical Center 2307 Barada Street Falls City, NE 68355 (402) 245-2428  
Zieg Lynda Zieg, MT(ASCP), CIC Quality Management Director York General Hospital 2222 Lincoln Avenue York, NE 68467 (402) 362-0450 Lyndaz@yorkhospital.org