A.          To maintain and enhance the profession of infection control


1.      Maintain and keep current our membership listing by updating the files.

2.      Continue Professional Growth Day following the National Convention.

3.      Continue the sharing session that precedes our meetings.

4.      Maintain communication through minutes that reflect the discussion of the membership.

5.      Maintain historical documents.

6.      Continue to have a one- hour educational session at our meetings with CEUs earned by members.

7.      Organize a study group for members attempting first time certification and members re-certifying.



B.           To maintain APIC as an authority and advocate for the profession and practice of infection control.


1.      Provide legislative and regulatory agencies with accurate information in the area of infection control.

2.      Continue to provide our long term care education program in March.

3.      Encourage members to work with their communities to provide information/consultation on infection control topics.

4.      Continue to be actively involved in promoting the influenza and pneumococcal vaccines.

5.      Revise/ review the MRSA and VRE guidelines through a formed task force for each of the guidelines.

6.      Continue involvement in the City-Wide and State-Wide Bioterrorism Plan.



C.          To maintain and increase the viability and the effectiveness of APIC as a professional organization.


1.      Promote members to be involved in our local chapter.

2.      Continue to be a support to new members by offering them a volunteered mentor from our local chapter.

3.      Revise the By-laws to be consistent with the National By-laws.

4.      Continue to support our officers financially to attend the National APIC convention.

5.      Continue to expand our web page for the benefit of our own members and others interested in infection control.